Hello there #3GoodThings community! I survived #Thursday! Had a rough start to my day but rallied and made it to...my last teaching day of the week! (but not the semester)
1. Enjoyed teaching my 2-hour science fiction class for Literature and Popular Culture. I usually spread these two modules out over a fortnight but we have a public holiday coming week after next. I looked at key philosophical concepts underscoring main sff/space opera series/franchising, and covered #posthumanism, AI, #utopia/dystopia, the cyborg manifesto and the problem of consciousness. Next week, presentations from MA and Auditing PhD students. Then they have to write a paper on #andor
2.Today's music: The New Pornographers (dang, their new album is SO GOOD), Susumu Yokota, Einujuhani Rautavaara, Sigur Rós, The OST to Andor.
3. Chocolate syrup in my overnight oats this morning. With blueberries! Yummy!
#threegoodthings #today #academiclife #academicchatter #sff #sfnal #sciencefiction #donnaharaway
#3goodthings #thursday #posthumanism #utopia #andor #ThreeGoodThings #Today #academiclife #academicchatter #sff #sfnal #sciencefiction #donnaharaway
Other Covenants has been launched! Most splendidly. Canadians explained they were #Canadian and a minority; I acted #Australian: the face of international #Judaism in the #SFnal #English-writing world. And the #book? https://booko.com.au/9781953829405/Other-Covenants-Alternate-Histories-of-the-Jewish-People (adjust it to find copies in local currency) #booktodon
#canadian #australian #judaism #sfnal #english #book #booktodon
Line in the Sand: Handmaidens of dystopia in the Saudi Arabian desert | Kate Wagner https://thebaffler.com/latest/line-in-the-sand-wagner
A Scientific Paint-By-Number Pastel Drawing Was Our First Closeup Image of Mars — Colossal https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2023/01/mars-pastel-drawing/