Posting more hashtags so I can follow them
#catelebon #kalx #sfsymphony #sfopera #kfjc #kamikazepalmtree #nicomuhly #effectivelywild
Went to #sfopera to see "La Traviata" last night. Probably the best performance of this standard that I've seen. Also, there were cute youths all dressed up for the evening in our box. I always love to see people making an effort.
San Francisco opera. View from the balcony (loggione).
#opera #italianopera #sfopera #sanfrancisco
Normally I’ll be 95% crossword content, but tomorrow I’m taking myself on a date to the #sfopera to see La Traviata, one of my favorites. Or at least one of my favorite Italian operas - I think this will be fourth time seeing it live. Excited for the new production!
file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D9848E92-5068-4EED-A9DD-25CC556E82D7/Documents/Export/AF1QipPsPc3I-lL96YjP3UQVJLsF2FmuD-SQLyVDqoRa/highQuality/Movie.mp4 Happy 100th anniversary #SFOpera #Orfeo #OrpheusAndEurydice #sftheatres
#sfopera #orfeo #orpheusandeurydice #sftheatres
Settling down to watch SF Opera’s production of Gluck’s “Orpheus and Eurydice.” I’m watching online. Airplaying the sound and vision to my TV from my laptop. This production has received excellent reviews. Really looking forward to it. Jakub Józef Orliński, a counter-tenor, is supposed to be excellent.
Starts at 2pm PT - 80 minutes, One Act, No Intermission
Life is good.
Buy a digital ticket for $27.50 here:
#liveopera #opera #gluck #streamopera #sfopera
Joshua Kosman on Gluck's "Orpheus and Eurydice" at SF Opera
The SF Opera's centennial season has already witnessed an important world premiere, a powerhouse revival of “Dialogues of the Carmelites” and a beautiful new production of Verdi’s “La Traviata.”
But the extraordinary new production of Gluck's "Orpheus and Eurydice" that opened last night, featuring the remarkable countertenor Jakub Józef Orliński, might just surpass it all.