Glad to see these got painted over! SF still has a bit of resistance left. Not all of us accept the return of the failed war on drugs, much as TogetherSF, Stop Crime SF, and their ilk would like us to give up hope. #SFPol
QT @docpop
Good news: SF lost its bid to end the sweeps injunction!
This injunction prevents the Breed administration from wasting our money forcing homeless people to play a game of cruel musical chairs. They are still welcome to offer housing and services and even to remove a tent if its resident has been given a specific, realistic offer of housing and declined to use it. #homelessness #SFPol
#SFPol mechanics question.
What options are available for SFBOS to force the mayor to spend money?
In Seattle, council attaches provisos (conditions) to spending to force specific actions. For example, although SCC may allocate money to repave a street, the mayor could just let the money sit. So, SCC will attach a proviso to a mayoral priority budget item. "provided that X is spent on widening Aurora, millions are allocated for recruiting bonuses for cops". (A non-sensical example, but the rough idea hold.)
Are there mechanisms like that available to SFBOS?
The biggest SF Westside toxic politics question I have is whether Mayor Breed will be invited / show up to Saturday's Autumn Moon Fest. Chan played nice two years ago and Breed, Torres, et al. were present.
Mayor Breed attended last week's SFPD Richmond monthly meeting and got an earful from what I heard.
I avoid Chan like the plague so I'll have to ask friends.
we know how to solve overdose deaths - if ideologues like Dorsey and Mandelman weren't getting in the way and redirecting resources to jails. #SFPol #WarOnDrugs
so is there a name for the phenomenon where a person/group fights against some effort and, when it succeeds anyway, pretends that it was actually something they supported all along?
thinking of e.g. the Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council painting construction of the 730 Stanyan BMR housing project as some sort of victory for them, after publishing letters some years ago complaining such a large building would upset neighborhood character
"It’s not the case that we are going out and offering people housing and they’re turning it down. Sometimes we’re offering it with all sorts of conditions and for some on the street that is worse.
When you get HSH and outreach teams and you have housing to offer, people take it...Except for the most extreme cases, people will take decent housing and you have a judge who has the courage to say that." -@deanpreston on sweeps injunction (paraphrased by @MLNow) #SFPol
I know SF has way too many commissions, and that it's hard to find qualified community members to serve. Still, the bar needs to be somewhere above "actively rooting for SF to fail." Doom narrative purveyor Alex Ludlum should step down. #SFPol
SF political leaders: bad, bad, oh god, bad, so bad, worst, clueless, tone deaf.
The list goes on and on with these people.
First things first.
You need an ownership group that wants to bring their franchise to SF. Talking about building a soccer stadium without funding is child's play.
SF would also need to get permission for being in the San Jose Quakes and Easy Bay Union's "territory".
The last time I checked major sports franchises were running from SF and Oak bc they couldn't get a new stadium financed.
This speech calling for city govt to be allowed to continue violating the law, harassing poor people w nowhere to go and throwing out their survival supplies rather than investing in shelter, is the worst of SF 🤮
The activists shouting "Stop the sweeps" over it and holding up the sign "Without shelter, sleeping on the street is a universal and unavoidable consequence of being human" are the best of SF. Thank you for being there ❤️
Per press release, SFMTA will remove the double right turn lane at 4th & King that contributed to the death of a 4-year-old child.
There is nothing in here about removing other double right turn lanes all over SoMa and the city. Why not? They’re acknowledging it’s an unsafe design. Fix the unsafe design citywide. Or must we sacrifice another child at each individual corner?
#visionzero #sfpol #TrafficViolence
David Heller / Connie Chan have lost big time in the past few years: Prop I / J & now the Geary Improvement Project. Make no mistake both were aligned and brought out their big gun (Sandy Fewer and Geary/ Clement Merchant Associations) to try to influence the final decision.
Also, if you missed it, as of yesterday the SFMTA has finally approved a plan to improve transit speed and reliability, and pedestrian safety on Geary. And it only took 20 years!
my years of having a Buy Local ethos are being severely challenged by SF local business owners being awful about everything imaginable - harassing the homeless, blocking new housing, blocking bike and bus lanes because they have no respect for potential customers who don't drive, trying to steal public space for themselves and harassing any residents who stand in their way, etc. etc.
I'd almost rather bring in the chain stores, who would probably attempt some very unsavory backroom dealings but would likely not spend so much time publicly demanding the entire city infrastructure grind to a halt out of respect for the sacred Local Merchants Association
Hey SF, let's try and stop Rafael Mandelman from achieving higher office.
He recently blamed a homeless person, who had their tent, computer, bike, and priceless family photos, stolen by the city, for being homeless.
Mandelman also defended SFPD's disastrous mass arrest of young people at the Dolores Hill Bomb. He's a monster. Aside from Dorsey and Jenkins, worst elected official in SF right now. #SFPol
The #Geary bus lane hearing is going on right now. Agenda and call-in info:
Mayor Breed just put out this letter endorsing it, which is good to see. #SFPol
Meet the LWVSF Youth Council! (5/5)
Shavonne is a second year political science major on the pre-law track at Hampton University. Born in San Francisco, Shavonne has always had a passion for advocacy.
Shavonne is an activist, most notably know for her work as student delegate on the San Francisco Board of Education. On campus, she is a member of the Student Government Association Cabinet, Women’s Caucus, First Generation Gems, Mosaic, Black Femme Minds, and West Coast PAC. She also serves as president of Hampton University Black Girls Vote.
In her free time, Shavonne enjoys spending time with friends, making an impact in her community, and listening to music.
#SanFrancisco #SF #SFpol #VotingRights #YouthVoting #YouthLeadership #BeAVoter
#sanfrancisco #sf #sfpol #VotingRights #youthvoting #YouthLeadership #BeAVoter
SF is appealing a ruling that limits sweeps, but sweeps weren't effective to begin with.
"383 people are on the city’s waitlist for a shelter bed. If the goal is to get people into shelter, why can’t we work with those on the streets who are willing to accept it, instead of deploying expensive resources to encampments?" - @NualaBishari #homelessness #sfPol
Meet the LWVSF Youth Council! (4/5)
Cindy is a junior at the University of San Francisco, majoring in politics with minors in legal studies, psychology, and Japanese.
She has previously worked for several grassroot organizations serving the AAPI community. She is currently involved in her university-wide student voter registration initiative and has been a election poll worker.
In her free time, Cindy likes to cook a variety of cuisines and watch anime. She also has a PomChi that she takes everywhere with her named Lulu.
#SanFrancisco #SF #SFpol #VotingRights #YouthVoting #YouthLeadership #BeAVoter
#sanfrancisco #sf #sfpol #VotingRights #youthvoting #YouthLeadership #BeAVoter