My friend and fellow D1 parent, Jen Nossokoff, filed papers to run against D1 Supervisor Connie Chan in 2024!

The race will be super interesting. We desperately need new leadership in D1. Connie Chan's record speaks for itself.

#sfpol #d1 #sfpolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeffrey Gray · @phoca2004
191 followers · 550 posts · Server I havenโ€™t been a traditional fan of Aaron Peskin, but, he does strike the right tone here in the need for not letting factionalism stand in the way of solutions in this city, and also the need to break down silos between city/county departments. I am very happy for him that he got his previous drinking (and associated behavior issues) under control. I know that is not an easy road to go down.

#sfchronicle #sfnext #podcast #aaronpeskin #sfpolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Morris · @coldfish
111 followers · 614 posts · Server

Here's a fun bit of math.

This article says that there are 1,537 cops in SF.

It also says that $510,000,000 is being spent on their salaries.

So, pardon my grade-school math, but $510M/1,537 cops = $331,815 annual salary

And then they made an Emergency budget of 25,000,000 for some more salaried cops?

Now, there's the "overtime" issue. Here's how this works: The powers that be at SFPD recommend the count of full time officers - more than are coming in the academy. Then, they say they are understaffed, so they can then *justitfy* overtime because they are "understaffed", and the more overtime, the more political leverage they have for a bigger budget.

There's a bigger problem here.

Further info:

#sfpd #sfpolitics #police

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey Gray · @phoca2004
119 followers · 566 posts · Server

San Francisco supervisor calls for probe into affordable housing owner Welcome scrutiny

#todco #affordablehousing #sfpolitics

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey Gray · @phoca2004
117 followers · 561 posts · Server

Exclusive: S.F. mayor, supe propose efforts to speed up housing development Maybe try working together?


Last updated 2 years ago

janice li · @janice
154 followers · 10 posts · Server

i guess itโ€™s all whimsey from here. we appreciated a local post-elections debrief last night by the milk club, featuring some interesting voting data analysis from chris arvin & a statewide review from jane kim/CA working families party.

#dogs #sfpolitics

Last updated 2 years ago