I just finished my e-ARC of @skyekilaen 's Too Dangerous to Keep, the 3rd novella in her 5-novella science fiction thriller/romance series for adults (All These Gifts), and it was so much fun! I can't wait for #4. Here's my full Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5303622906
#bookstodon #SF #SFRomance #ScienceFiction #Novella #Bookstodon #SapphicRomance #SapphicSF
#bookstodon #sf #sfromance #sciencefiction #novella #sapphicromance #sapphicsf
Because I'm ridiculously lucky, I was sent an early copy of Everina Maxwell's Ocean's Echo. Because my TBR pile is out of control, it took me until yesterday to start reading it...but now it's SO HARD TO STOP to do anything else with my life! It's just so FUN - the most deliciously fun space opera/romance I've read in a very long time (OK, since Winter's Orbit). I'm loving it! https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59808117
#SpaceOpera #SFRomance #Romance
#spaceopera #sfromance #romance
I have my yearly giveaway going right now until Christmas. Sign up to win signed books and other prizes!
Link: https://www.jcandrijeski.com/post/jc-s-big-holiday-2022-giveaway
#Bookstodon #giveaway #scifi #sfromance #romance #paranormal #mystery #apocalypse
#bookstodon #giveaway #scifi #sfromance #romance #paranormal #mystery #apocalypse
Ich habe für #TORonline was über #Romantasy geschrieben, was es da aktuell gibt, inkl. #SFRomance, und warum es wohl keine Romantasy-Flut wie vor über zehn Jahren geben wird:
#toronline #romantasy #sfromance