We are looking forward to seeing Ben Model (@undercrank) accompanying Edward Horton tomorrow at #SFSilent, and meeting other #SilentComedyWatchParty (https://www.youtube.com/@silentfilmmusic) fans! https://silentfilm.org/event/the-edward-e-horton-show/
#sfsilent #silentcomedywatchparty
Just a reminder that our theater will be dark this Saturday, since the whole silent film community will be converging on the #CastroTheatre for the San Francisco Silent Film Festival. See you there! (Our museum and gift shop will be open during the day, however). #SFSilent https://silentfilm.org/
Going to the the San Francisco Silent Film Festival's #LaurelAndHardy show this Saturday at the #CastroTheatre. I'll be wearing a fez (though I suspect that may not be that distinguishing). #SFSilent
#laurelandhardy #castrotheatre #sfsilent