Is anyone aware of any blogs focused on academic work on #sciencefiction (#SFSTudies)?
I remember trying to find one more than 5 years ago and lamenting that there really wasn't much coverage. Wondering if there's one now… Any ideas? #academia
#sciencefiction #sfstudies #academia
I posted my 2022 #SFF award eligibility!
Sorry it took me a while - I spent most of 2023 being sick so far.
It has stories, poems, academic articles (the articles aren't all SFF-related).
On Patreon for now, because I need to fix something on my website. Free post, if it gives a popup, just close it (sorry!)
I'll thread highlights here!
#WritingCommunity #Bookstodon #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #SFStudies #Poetry #SpeculativePoetry #PoetryCommunity
#sff #writingcommunity #bookstodon #sciencefiction #fantasy #sfstudies #poetry #speculativepoetry #poetrycommunity
Just a heads up for #LitStudies and #scifi studies people who, like me, end up missing #CfP deadlines.
#ASA 2023 (Montreal) submissions are open all of January.
#MELUS 2023 (Indianapolis) is taking abstracts until January 10th.
#MLA 2024 (Philadelphia): call for papers for seminars can be posted from now through February. And paper abstracts are submitted in March (I believe).
The Utopian Studies Society (#USS) call usually runs through mid-May. Also keeping my eyes open for the NYC #CityTech Science Fiction conference (which I've sadly missed so far) and #ICFA.
I'm taking a time-out from #ACLA. A reproductive rights seminar the year that Roe is repealed is apparently not CompLit enough? Let me hold my peace before I re-litigate long-standing disciplinary gripes.
#litstudies #scifi #cfp #asa #MELUS #mla #uss #CityTech #ICFA #acla #academia #sfstudies
Glad to see that my Afterword to a special issue of the journal Anthropology and Humanism on anthropology and science fiction has been published online! Thanks a million to Naveeda Khan and Andrew Brandel for inviting me to respond to their special issue.
#sciencefiction #sfstudies #scifi #anthropology #poco #postcolonialstudies
#sciencefiction #sfstudies #scifi #anthropology #poco #PostcolonialStudies
RT @LivUniPress
The ebooks for Minority Report and Mr. Freedom are now available as part of Liverpool Science Fiction Studies Online:
Browse the entire collection here:
#sf #sciencefiction #sfstudies
#sf #sciencefiction #sfstudies