Antibiotics work by killing bacteria that cause infections, but the bacteria that survive can become stronger and more resistant to treatment.
What if we could prevent bacteria from making us sick without killing them? SFU researchers are using #datascience to explore this approach: #SFUScience #SFUMBB #antivirulence #antimicrobialresistance #sfu
#datascience #sfuscience #sfumbb #antivirulence #AntimicrobialResistance #sfu
As bacteria develops resistance to common antibiotics, superbugs are a growing public health problem. Researchers at #SFUMBB are using #DataScience to identify new ways to treat drug-resistant infections.
The WHO estimates that antimicrobial causes at least 700,000 deaths per year, and this number is growing.
Researchers at SFU's Omics #DataScience Initiative are working to identify pathogen-associated genes in disease-causing bacteria in order to better understand how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, and find opportunities for new treatments for bacterial infections. #sfumbb #sfuscience #molecularbiology #antimicrobialresistance
#datascience #sfumbb #sfuscience #molecularBiology #AntimicrobialResistance
Missed our February #CaféScientifique talk with #SFUMBB professor Lynne Quarmby? Watch it online!
Take a journey from molecular biology to the high Arctic and home again, illuminating the science of cells, the climate, and the algae that causes watermelon snow. #sfuscience #sfu #molecularbiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
#cafescientifique #sfumbb #sfuscience #sfu #molecularBiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
On February 21 join #SFU researcher Lynne Quarmby on a journey from molecular biology to the high Arctic and home again, illuminating the science of cells, climate, and snow algae, and the search for what it means to live a good life in the face of desperation about the future. All Café Scientifique talks are free and on zoom: #molecularbiology #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#sfu #molecularBiology #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#SFU Molecular Biology and Biochemistry professor Lynne Quarmby didn't just wake up one morning and start writing a popular science book. She has spent years as a climate advocate, a journey that has taken her from academic research to politics, art and writing. Learn more about her work: and register for her Café Scientifique talk on Zoom, February 21: #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#sfu #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange