לְכָה דוֹדִי לִקְרַאת כַּלָּה. פְּנֵי שַׁבָּת נְקַבְּלָה:
Lecha dodi likrat kala, p’nei #Shabbat n’kabelah!
Come, my Beloved to greet the bride.
The Sabbath presence let us welcome!
Tonight, Jew or gentile, I double doggy dare you to open the door at sundown (or whenever you get off work), turning your head to follow "the bride" of peace and rest as she walks into your home.
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is נִצָּבִים - וַיֵּלֶךְ (Netzavim - Vayelech). This week we read one of my favorite passages that the Torah is not in heaven (maybe it’s in the clouds), but it is accessible for everyone. #DvarTorah #Shabbat
In case anyone is interested in hearing something positive about #burningman (& yes my kids are on their way home & were at this joyful #Shabbat) #mazeldon https://forward.com/fast-forward/559550/burning-man-shabbat-in-mud/
#burningman #shabbat #Mazeldon
From my #garden to the #shabbat table. #ShabbatShalom #Mazeldon @mazeldon
#garden #shabbat #shabbatshalom #mazeldon
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is כִּי†תָבוֹא (Ki Tavo). There is a pasuk (a sentance) in this week’s parsha that reads, “And HaShem has distinguished you today to be for Him a treasured people, as he spoke to you, and to observe all His commandments.” #DvarTorah #Shabbat
One large potato, four tablespoons butter, 1/2 tsp. salt, a pinch of pepper, 2 cups whole milk, chopped green peppers for garnish. You can call it soup or puree or what to do w/ leftover stuff in the kitchen... and it's great cold...
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is כִּי תֵצֵא (Ki Tetze). This week’s parsha starts with capturing a woman during war. If someone wants to marry her, he must first shave her head, allow her to mourn her family for a month. #Shabbat #DvarTorah
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is שֹׁפְטִים (Shoftim). There are a lot of interesting nuggets in this week’s parsha. Some of them, this year, could be seen as more politically charged from years past. #Shabbat #DvarTorah
With about 170 people on death raw, #Ghana has recently abolished capital punishment. It's not always WHERE you are, but it's the #progress (or regress) you're making.
בזמן שכ-170 אנשים ממתינים להוצאה להורג, #גאנה ביטלה את עונש המוות במדינה. מה שחשוב זה לא תמיד היכן נמצאים, אלא כיוון ההתקדמות (או התדרדרות).
#CapitalPunishment #DeathSentence #Africa #HumanRights #CessationSaturday #Shabbat @modernghana
#ghana #progress #גאנה #capitalpunishment #deathsentence #africa #HumanRights #cessationsaturday #shabbat
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is רְאֵה (Re’eh). We start with blessings curses. If you follow the commandments and are well architected, you’ll be able to stay in the land and in the cloud. #Shabbat #DvarTorah
I'm very excited to get to participate in a zoom #Shabbat service with the @spinozahavurah that is led by folks in three countries: UK, Finland and Portugal.
#shabbat #mazeldon #jewdiverse
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha is עֵקֶב (Eikev). There is an interesting section this week about becoming complacent. The Torah talks about becoming satisfied and forgetting HaShem. #Shabbat #DvarTorah
A bittersweet note to end the week and commence #Shabbat
The children of the Terezin concentration camp wrote poems. These survived even if many of the children didn't.
Some of the poems were set to music.
Explore and Enjoy
#JukeboxFridayNight #TruthTellers
#shabbat #shabbatshalom #mazeldon #music #poetry #jukeboxfridaynight #truthtellers
1\ Chevre, this week’s parsha is וָאֶתְחַנַן (VaEtchanan). We are continuing the final speach from Moshe. This week we have the reiteration of the 10 commandments and part of the Shema prayer that Jews say twice daily (at least). #Shabbat #DvarTorah
Tonight’s #Shabbat / Sci Friday featured #Foundation. Then it was bat to some classic music (Zappa, Shorter, etc). 🍷 🪐 🎷 🎶
1/ Chevre, this week’s parsha isדְּבָרִים (Devarim). This week starts the closing speach by Moshe as they stand ready to enter Eretz Yisrael. This parsha is always read on Shabbat Chazon, the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av. #Shabbat #DvarTorah
Join us for our #Shabbat service this Saturday at 12 pm EDT/1600 UTC.
To register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkdeChrTkoHte9KbMnWzJsQCAC-9z3CGVz
In this alternative #TishaBav service, we will questioning why are we still mourning the destruction of the Temple and its cult of animal sacrifice? In fact, as Humanistic Jews, shouldn't we be seeing Tisha B'av in a new way - as a day of celebrating the continuing reinvention of our tradition? We will be discussing this after a short D'var Torah talk.
#shabbat #tishabav #humanisticjudaism #mazeldon
Tonight’s #shabbat / Sci Friday featured, pizza, wine, cats, and the season 2 opener of #Foundation. Empire! 🍕🍷🪐