Hate is never okay denying the holocaust is offensive to the Jewish community and to the families who lost loved ones at the time. I condemn antisemitism. Those are the 3 easiest words to say if you can't say it then you are unfit for public office. #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate
I haven't heard any news of big anti-Semitic activity on the "day of hate." Looks like the "organizers" were just another bunch of entitled, basement--dwelling incels. I stand with my Jewish friends, neighbors, loved ones, and community to celebrate a #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate.
I intentionally did not amplify the supposed day of hate by the neo Nazis today. I hope nothing happened. What they wanted was a big media amplification to make it seem that there are more members than they’re actually are. I refused to amplify. Instead it was a day of Shabbat peace & love. #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate
Those mofos keep on escalating their hateful rhetoric.
At what point does their hate cross from free speech to hate crime?
RT @RepAndreCarson
White supremacists are calling for an antisemitic “National Day of Hate.” We will not allow violent extremists – or their enablers – to threaten Jewish communities.
Freedom and safety for any of us depends on freedom and safety for all of us. #ShabbatofPeaceNotHate
The good news is, the “Day of Hate” was a complete flop.
I strongly repudiate hateful attacks on Jewish people regardless of background. Stamp out anti-Jewish violence. We must condemn this evil robustly. And we must NEVER FORGET.
“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”
—approximated from the Talmud
President Obama calls on us to unite against antisemitism and all forms of hate.
In the USA no one should be the subject of hurtful words or actions because they "look, love or pray differently."
Speak out against hate and #MAGABigots
#magabigots #shabbatofpeacenothate
So your solution is to call the police?
RT @NewYorkStateAG
Let me be clear: New York will not stand for a single day, hour, or minute of hate against our communities.
Support our Jewish neighbors, stay vigilant, and report anything suspicious:
Ms. Attorney General, I have some very bad news about the police.
RT @NewYorkStateAG
Let me be clear: New York will not stand for a single day, hour, or minute of hate against our communities.
Support our Jewish neighbors, stay vigilant, and report anything suspicious:
RT @NewYorkStateAG
Let me be clear: New York will not stand for a single day, hour, or minute of hate against our communities.
Support our Jewish neighbors, stay vigilant, and report anything suspicious:
Here are some GIFs for today's #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate
#shabbatofpeacenothate #DemCast
Happy Shabbat of Peace Day to all.
#shabbatofpeacenothate #mazeldon #jewdiverse
Once I thought that anti-Semitism had ended; today it is clear to me that it will probably never end. ✡️ Elie Wiesel
Those promoting the National Day of Hate are extremists who want to divide us in order to gain power.
#ReportHate ✨https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate
#reporthate #shabbatofpeacenothate
If it weren't for the rise of hatred and intolerance in the US, there would not need to be a #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate. But we need this because haters are on the rise.
Sadly, this is what I spoke about here. Any people calling themselves Christian who endorse hatred or bigotry are not following Jesus. https://youtu.be/ZsEYrqGsk4s
#antifascistvoices #antisemitism #intolerance #racism #bigotry #StopHate
#shabbatofpeacenothate #antifascistvoices #antisemitism #intolerance #racism #bigotry #StopHate
My non-Jewish friends probably aren’t aware that this is happening in the US this weekend. The brazenness of it. I understand that mainstream news media won’t want to boost their hateful plans, but I hope afterwards they call it out.
I stand in solidarity with the Jewish people and affirm that hate of any sort, specifically including but not limited to anti-Semitic hate, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the decent people in this society. #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate
Heads up: I'm gonna be extra Jewish tomorrow.
Gonna participate in virtual service in my front room, like most Saturdays.
Gonna sit on my front porch and study Torah.
Gonna wish every person I encounter a hearty Shabbat Shalom. Loudly.
My beloved Jewish friends, may your Sabbath be peaceful and holy. I am with you. ✡️