When you keep getting asked to do something you know isn’t real. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs #shabbosreads
In my ongoing quest to keep #ShabbosReads a thing, I present this week.
I’m about 1/3 of the way through Priya Parker’s The Art of Gathering at the moment.
@Gaileyfrey’s The Echo Wife was not a great book to start at 9pm and still intend to go to bed at a reasonable hour but I persevered because it was stunning.
@Tkdano’s Under the Henfluence made me laugh and take delight and go on a walk with my youngest to see the neighborhood chickens.
So, um, do we do #shabbosreads on Mastodon? Because I’m halfway through Neon Yang’s “The Genesis of Misery” and finding it very difficult to put it down and go to sleep like a reasonable person.
@jewwhohasitall #shabbosreads read Sorry, Sorry, Sorry and I loved it so far… funny, poignant and accessible. I am seriously thinking of making it my Elul read
#ShabbosReads Started with a huge project: Reading Zenith's biography on Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa is very close to my heart (and always on my night shelf) and the reason why I went to Lisbon to study Portuguese. Zenith so far masterfully recreates Pessoa's biography while showing how the different persons in Pessoa's oeuvre are an expression of his self-expression, thereby drawing the reader deep into his imagination.
#bookstodon , #Pessoa, #biographybooks
#biographybooks #pessoa #bookstodon #shabbosreads
Favorite hashtags:
Obviously the best Jewish food is babka!
#mazeldon #caturday #shabbosreads #shabbatshalom #babkaposting
Thanks for publishing a #ShabbosReads post! I’m hoping to see more of those on Mastodon.
Yesterday, during #shabbos I read #LeonardCohen's first book of #poetry Let Us Compare Mythologies. He was only 22 when it was publish in a small print run of 400 copies by #McGill where he had written it as a student.
You can already see some of the themes he would explore throughout his artistic life. Love and religion in particular.
#shabbos #leonardcohen #poetry #mcgill #shabbosreads
Yesterday, during #shabbos I read #LeonardCohen's first book of #poetry Let Us Compare Mythologies. He was only 22 when it was publish in a small print run of 400 copies by McGill welfare he had written it as a student.
You can already see some of the themes he would explore during his artistic life. Love and religion in particular.
#shabbos #leonardcohen #poetry #shabbosreads
Address Unknown by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor.
Epistolary novella about two art dealers and the rise of Nazism in Germany. Reads as fresh and unexpected even today (despite the very familiar subject matter). A surprise!
#reviews #BogiReads #ShabbosReads #Mazeldon #Jewish #Novellas #Historical #Nazism #Germany #Epistolary #Bookstodon
#reviews #BogiReads #shabbosreads #Mazeldon #jewish #novellas #historical #nazism #germany #epistolary #bookstodon
For #ShabbosReads, I (B.) have been catching up on our backlist so that I can entertain you with it!
This time I read Scripture Windows: Toward a Practice of Bibliodrama by Peter and Susan Pitzele.
It was fascinating, hoping to have a thread about it soon!
#shabbosreads #Books #bookstodon #Mazeldon #bibliodrama #bible
@mazeldon #shabbosreads "German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic" by Professor John Efron. Highly recommended to anyone who is interested in modern Jewish history. This wide ranging historical study touches on the Enlightenment, the Haskala, Emancipation of Jews in Europe, race science, Orientalism, Jewish languages, architecture, literature, topics of class during industrialization, the split into Reform and Orthodox factions in Judaism, etc etc.
Is Ayin Press not on Mastodon yet? Would someone who knows them closely be willing to encourage them to sign up? 😺
One of our planned #ShabbosReads is Undertorah by Jill Hammer and we'd like to tag the publisher...
#meta #Mastodon #Jewish #Mazeldon #AyinBooks #Bookstodon #Publishing
#shabbosreads #meta #mastodon #jewish #Mazeldon #ayinbooks #bookstodon #publishing
Shabbat apppppppppppppppproaches
We're planning something fun on Sunday, stay tuned!
(We're also looking forward to #ShabbosReads 😺 )
Our #ShabbosReads: One of us is catching up on our backlist, and this time the book on offer was The Hillel Narratives by Louis Rieser!
Rieser takes a look at all the recorded stories about Rabbi Hillel and all the sayings attributed to him, explores the patterns, the contradictions (!), and what all this teaches us about how Judaism developed.
We also have it for 25% off right now:
#Jewish #JewishBooks #Mazeldon #Jewdiverse #ReligiousStudies @religidons
#shabbosreads #jewish #jewishbooks #Mazeldon #jewdiverse #religiousstudies
My daughter’s friend came over for a Shabbos play date, and her mother stayed to chat. She turned out to be Naomi Shulman who wrote one of my favorite books! “My Sister Has a Scooter” is a children’s book that perfectly illustrates a foundational concept of Jewish spirituality: teshuvah. It is an abstract concept that can be hard to explain, especially to children, but this book does it so well that adults can also learn from it. @mazeldon #ShabbosReads #Teshuvah #Mazeldon
#shabbosreads #teshuvah #mazeldon
#ShabbosReads Finally continued reading "Aspiration" by @agnescallard . So far, a compelling theory of aspiration. One paradox she raised stuck with me: If we aspire to a certain value in order to be more authentic oneself, why doe it feel inauthentic at first, as if play-acting? (p.5) I might add that there is also the social component of people perceiving someone that is aspiring to value x as being an impostor or sth. Definitely looking forward to continue reading!
Good shabbos!
#tootyourshabbat Schnitzel for dinner, whatever we're having for kiddush tomorrow after services. Really looking forward to reading some more of Jews vs Aliens #shabbosreads
#tootyourshabbat #shabbosreads #shabbat #shabbos #goodshabbos #shabbatshalom
Our #Shabbosreads this week included the manuscript for "As the Story Goes: Sayings and Anecdotes of Famous Jews from the Old Country," a translation from Mordekhai Lipson’s 1928 and 1931 Yiddish volumes by Jonathan and Jonah Boyarin. https://jort.link/www.benyehudapress.com/books/as-the-story-goes/