I'll start the day playing with code (and continue writing an application for a grant).
I should change those normals to be per-vertex to make the little triangles disappear...
#creativecoding #openrndr #3d #shader #geometry
Polished the TAA implementation a little more. Turns out simple jitter-reprojection (only moving the pixel on the screen plane) + depth reject + color-clamping is enough to get a okay-ish TAA working. Dynamic objects are not yet covered, since I'm not generating motion vectors ATM.
For reference, I followed this article: https://www.elopezr.com/temporal-aa-and-the-quest-for-the-holy-trail/
#gamedev #graphics #rustlang #vulkan #shader
I love this shader: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/DtXfDr
They’re something I wish I were better at making. That intersection of maths, art, and programming where I can feel the limits of my skills in the first two. It’s great how something so pretty can be defined with quite minimal code 😀
#shader #glsl #shadertoy #visuals
Awesome shader: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/mtScRc
#computergraphics #shader #gamedev #graphicsprogramming
Yesterday I finally got into exploring #TextMeshPro's font asset generation, materials and the sdf #shader, and I realized how many nice effects one can make with relatively little effort!
#textmeshpro #shader #gamedev #unity
The Monday Night Bytes Shader Jam from yesterday is available on LCDZ ! https://livecode.demozoo.org/event/2023_08_21_shader_jam_monday_night_bytes.html #livecode #shader #glsl #demoscene
#livecode #shader #glsl #demoscene
Private exhibition. A frame from „Aurora”. Our one year old daughter likes it. 😌
#generativeart #creativecoding #shader
Do I dare to add a third dimension to my #shaders learning journey?? More or less, as #godotengine handles it for me, now I enter in the world of Spatial Shaders!!! There is a lot to learn and this is just the beginning, but being able to deform a primitive mesh (sphere) and change the colors is already something.
Ja silmät solmuun!
Ilmaisia hallusinaatioita tarjolla:
1. Avaa shadertoy selaimessa joka sallii fullscreenin
2. Pistä kokoruudulle ja tuijota keskustaa kunnes silmissä säkenöi
3. Siirrä äkkiä katse jonnekin pimeään kohtaan
4. Odota
#hallusinaatiot #ohjelmointi #visuaali #shader
【メモ】リアルタイムなVolume RenderingをGLSLで実装する(1)
#qiita #GLSL #Shader