Jan Wildeboer 😷 · @jwildeboer
5252 followers · 3296 posts · Server social.wildeboer.net

Introducing — where employees will feed tons of highly sensitive and internal data and code to some LLM (Large Language Model) like in the vague hope of becoming more productive or finally getting that promotion. Without any kind of review or approval. This will get people fired. Le sigh. So, so predictable.

#shadowai #chatgpt

Last updated 1 year ago

Jan Wildeboer 😷 · @jwildeboer
4972 followers · 2971 posts · Server social.wildeboer.net

The Next Big Thing after (IT resources like Cloud capacity or software that it not officially part of IT) — . People/groups/companies using “AI” stuff without telling anyone to make life easier. This is dangerous stuff IMHO. How about your doctor or health insurance using ChatGPT to speed up diagnosis/paperwork? Ouch. inflecthealth.medium.com/im-an

#shadowit #shadowai

Last updated 1 year ago