@selzero (@PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io)
#IT's #True; for #Years, I've been #Labouring under the #Misapprehension that #Garek was called "Garrick"... After the #Theatre in #CharingCrossRoad...
Had #VMST not #Performed a #ShadowBan they shouldn't have, I would have been able to #SelfCorrect #IT...
#NeverNeverMind | #CantRushQuality
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🍪 🍫🦄🍫🍪☕
#it #true #years #labouring #misapprehension #garek #theatre #charingcrossroad #vmst #performed #shadowban #selfcorrect #nevernevermind #cantrushquality
@unormal even better if it's a freetext field because then one can go #DarkSouls on toxic asshats that type "nor/mal" in there amd #shadowban them.
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingNearlyBiscuitTimeNotNews... #Post2035... #BangOn...
#IT's #NotBeen a #BadMonth, aye... #NotSince another #InstanceAdministrator (at #VMST) performed a #ShadowBan they shouldn't have...
#Meanwhile.... My #DemonstrableTheory remains #FullySearchable just like I #ToldYouSo...
"#BeingRight is #SuperAwesome"...
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingnearlybiscuittimenotnews #post2035 #bangon #it #notbeen #badmonth #notsince #instanceadministrator #vmst #shadowban #meanwhile #demonstrabletheory #fullysearchable #toldyouso #beingright #superawesome
Linda #Yaccarino, neu ernannte #Twitter-CEO und #WEF-Mitglied, hat angekündigt, dass "#Redefreiheit auf X nicht mehr akzeptabel ist". Es soll den Amerikanern nicht gestattet sein, ihre Rechte des Ersten Verfassungszusatzes auszuüben, um sich rechtlich auszudrücken.
Twitter CEO: "Free Speech Is NOT Acceptable on X - We'll #Shadowban Harder Than Before"
#yaccarino #twitter #wef #redefreiheit #shadowban
#Some of #MyOlderToots from #VMST (before the #ShadowBan for #DoingNothingWrong) don't seem to #Appear as they #Should...
#IT #Probably #DoesntMatter...
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🕵️🚀🦹🐻🦹🚀🕵️
#it #weird #some #myoldertoots #vmst #shadowban #doingnothingwrong #appear #should #probably #doesntmatter
«La tua pagina è a rischio»: Facebook mette in Shadow ban Dinamopress https://www.dinamopress.it/news/la-tua-pagina-e-a-rischio-facebook-mette-in-shadow-ban-dinamopress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=la-tua-pagina-e-a-rischio-facebook-mette-in-shadow-ban-dinamopress #Primopiano #shadowban #facebook
#primopiano #shadowban #facebook
@selzero (@PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io)
#IThought #Someone said #ShadowBan...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#nope #ithought #someone #shadowban
Should #Moderators from #OtherInstances be able to #ShadowBan #Members of #VMST.io without #PriorAuthorisation from an #InstanceAdministrator?
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🚄🍪🚅🦄🚅🍪🚄
#aquestionofpolicy #moderators #otherinstances #shadowban #members #vmst #priorauthorisation #instanceadministrator
so habe gerade ein #tiktok gemacht, bei dem ich sicher bin das es garantiert einen #shadowban gibt oder gleich gelöscht wird... aber keine sorge- ich lade es gleich auf meine #peertube instanz hoch
Also that is consistent with how #Microsoft deals with toxic players on #XboxLive where they - like #Valve in #CSGO - will #mute or at least #ShadowBan said players from #Chat.
Case in point: If one doesn't leave their toxicity in the containment tgat is #2b2t, they don't have a right to complain when #Mojang pulls the plug on them if they go full #StreamSniping on regular #Vanilla players...
It sadly had #CollateralDamage i.e. #MaxiTaxi getting yeeted too.
#maxitaxi #collateraldamage #vanilla #streamsniping #mojang #2b2t #Chat #shadowban #mute #CSGO #Valve #xboxlive #Microsoft
Das wird mein erster Beitrag hier. Es geht #Musk sicherlich nicht nur um Umsatz. #Teilen #Teilhabe #Mitbestimmung #Gehör ist für exorbitante gewinnorientierte Unternehmen ein Dorn im Auge?!
Es ist keine gute Entwicklung. Zusätzlich Algorithmen wie #TwitterBan #Ban #Shadowban ?!
#musk #teilen #teilhabe #mitbestimmung #gehor #twitterban #ban #shadowban
I hate those shadowbans on other social media. It is better to get explicit info about it, rather just guessing around and try to find out what is going on. I had 10 viewers on my TikTok live streams last 3 times… Seems I need a new account now :(
#TikTok #shadowban #socialmedia
#socialmedia #shadowban #tiktok
Supermodel Adriana Lima gets disappeared on Discord. In this Boles.tv live stream highlight, David Boles discusses the problem of a disappearing supermodel when the wrong words are used to invoke her extreme beauty! Magic is not afoot, because misdeeds are the undertow!
#Shadowban #Discord #AdrianaLima #HumanMeme #Podcast #DavidBoles #BolesTV
#shadowban #discord #adrianalima #humanmeme #podcast #davidboles #bolestv
Images that are too sexy for Instagram.
I am getting more and more lost.
#instagram #sexual #shadowban #shadowbanned
Акаунти українських користувачів почали масово потрапляти у #ShadowBan («тіньовий бан») #Twitter. Це було помічено після підриву рф #КаховськаГЕС - саме тоді українська твітер-спільнота поширювала інформацію про трагедію та способи допомогти постраждалим😡
#shadowban #twitter #каховськагес
dieses #video hier wird gerade von #tiktok zensiert und hat nen #shadowban drauf.... warum ich das weiss? nun nach 6h hats 2 view - damit hat es hier auf #peertube mehr views als auf tiktok :P
Der #Polizei in #Deutschland gefällt das nicht - aber uns schon :P
#video #tiktok #shadowban #peertube #polizei #deutschland
mein neuestes #tiktok ist mal wieder auf der #shadowban liste - hat nach 6h erst 2 view 🤣🤣 ich muss es wohl auf mein #peertube hochladen bevor es tiktok löscht
AFAICT #BlueSky doesn't bother to do any #moderation but just #shadowban users into convenient #bubbles and #EchoChambers - as #Twitter did and still does...
I'd rather choose a #based instance maintained by people who care [i.e. @stux] instead, and for those that want total control, #SelfHosting & #ManagedHosting is still an option.
So if anyone wants to deal with absolute trash instances that get universally defederated, they can do so.
#ManagedHosting #SelfHosting #based #Twitter #echochambers #Bubbles #shadowban #Moderation #bluesky