#ShadowBanking” at $240trn is now far bigger than its conventional counterpart. The bond market is its main component, taking money from investors who can mostly yank it away at short notice and funnel it into long-term investments, chart @FT https://tinyurl.com/bdbfymnz
Ex-NFL team owner Reggie Fowler gets 6 years for crypto ‘shadow banking’ - U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said Fowler’s lies exposed the U.S.... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/nfl-reggie-fowler-six-years-shadow-banking-crypto #globaltradingsolutionscryptocapital #reginaldfowler #damianwilliams #shadowbanking #sentencing #bankfraud #wirefraud #ifinex #nfl
#nfl #ifinex #wirefraud #bankfraud #sentencing #shadowbanking #damianwilliams #reginaldfowler #globaltradingsolutionscryptocapital
Non-bank finance amounted to $239trn globally in 2021, according to the Financial Stability Board -- #ShadowBanking now represents nearly half of the world’s total assets, chart @FT https://cutt.ly/twqwTyPD
#BoE Bank of England said last month that it was monitoring #shadowbanking , conducting a “system-wide stress exercise” of non-banks as well as traditional lenders “to help us to map out the risks”, chart @FT https://cutt.ly/twqwTyPD
#ShadowBanking UST Secretary Janet Yellen says financial regulators will seek to make it easier to subject #nonbanks to closer oversight, chart @WSJecon https://cutt.ly/F5pGblS
Intervista a #Paulson (segretario tesoro #USA durante GFC) sul @FT. Qualche spunto:
- crisi bancaria non finita -> recessione;
- banche europee più a rischio di USA (con buona pace giornalista ciarlatano che diceva contrario con me in tv);
- rischi sistemici da #shadowbanking.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Marcozanni86/status/1647525533889044482
Attenzione al rischio sistemico rappresentato dai grandi fondi pensione, che negli ultimi anni hanno incrementato gli investimenti rischiosi alla ricerca di rendimento per bilanciare i pagamenti delle prestazioni. #shadowbanking #Svezia #SVBCollapse
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Marcozanni86/status/1645824966183485452
#shadowbanking #Svezia #SVBCollapse
US Attorney seeks 7-year sentence for exec in crypto shadow banking case - U.S. prosecutors are wanting Reginald Fowler to face at least sev... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-attorney-seeks-7-year-sentence-for-exec-in-crypto-shadow-banking-case #reginaldfowler #cryptocapital #shadowbanking #bitfinex #law
#law #bitfinex #shadowbanking #cryptocapital #reginaldfowler
And I feel like this concept of shadow banking and what has happened vindicates what I’m telling you: the banks will just simply move into the shadows. They’ll set up these hedge funds and these shell companies to do what they really want to do in the shadows in this very smarmy, unregulated, dark world.
#economy #banks #bankingsystem #bankingcrisis #bankfailures #shadowbanking #cronycapitalism
#economy #banks #bankingsystem #bankingcrisis #bankfailures #shadowbanking #cronycapitalism
US regulator calls for greater scrutiny of #hedgefunds after bond turmoil - SEC chair Gary Gensler says ‘once in a generation #volatility highlights risks from #ShadowBanking sector, chart @FT https://cutt.ly/j7VFrqY
#hedgefunds #volatility #shadowbanking
IMF - #ShadowBanks: Out of the Eyes of #Regulators. #ShadowBanking symbolizes one of the many #failings of the #FinancialSystem leading up to the #globalfinancialcrisis. Estimating the #size of the #ShadowBankingSystem is particularly difficult because many of its entities do not report to #government #regulators. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/Series/Back-to-Basics/Shadow-Banks #GlobalFinancialRisk #risk #regulators
#shadowbanks #regulators #shadowbanking #failings #financialsystem #globalfinancialcrisis #size #shadowbankingsystem #government #globalfinancialrisk #risk
#1yrago #Defi and #ShadowBanking 2.0 https://pluralistic.net/2022/03/02/shadow-banking-2-point-oh/#leverage
#1yrago How "hollowed" hotels are destroying worker rights: #REITs aren't just for money laundering https://pluralistic.net/2022/03/01/reit-modernization-act/#reit-makes-might
#1yrago #defi #shadowbanking #reits
"The Growing of Shadow Banking"
Hi everyone! Here a new #dataviz and my second collaboration with @pocketbizbytes (IG). I hope you like it!
#Shadowbanking #Fintech #Nonbankfinancials #Banking #Finance #Datavisualization #Dataanalytics #Dataviz #Informationdesign #Design #Infographic #money
#money #infographic #design #informationdesign #dataanalytics #datavisualization #finance #banking #nonbankfinancials #fintech #shadowbanking #dataviz
RT @MacroPru@twitter.com
#shadowbanking #Viewpoint: "Banks Need to Worry About Shadow Banks; The boom in market-based finance has taken risks away from regulated lenders, but recent crises show they’re still exposed." https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-11-17/why-banks-need-to-worry-about-shadow-banks #NBFI
#shadowbanking #Viewpoint #nbfi
#ShadowBanking #ECB urges #banks to fix risks in trades with #HedgeFunds and family firms, chart @FT bit.ly/3CNHQKZ
#shadowbanking #ecb #banks #hedgefunds
After 2008 fiduciary crisis,
things had changed, but for the worse.
Years ago I wrote to you about how a program aimed at promoting R+D+i in enterprises in #Madrid was subverted to provide easy/cheap funding to political buddies' companies out of credit
Although not included in taxonomic types of #shadowbanking, it gives you an idea of the immense debt that has continued to be generated since 2008 that does not appear on the balance sheets of credit institutions or is known by any regulator.
RT @acemaxx
#ShadowBanking FX #swap markets are vulnerable to funding squeezes. This was evident during GFC and again in March 2020 when #COVID19 #pandemic wrought havoc, chart @bis_org https://cutt.ly/L118Rrj
#shadowbanking #swap #COVID19 #pandemic
Reader in #politicaleconomy at #KingsCollegeLondon working on #finance #regulation and #power, and how these relate to #ideas and #knowledge
Work on #banking #shadowbanking and now #digitalfinance
Co-convene the #PSA British & Comparative Political Economy specialist group, interested in #UKeconomicpolicy #Brexit #CityofLondon
And I have a new book out: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/bank-politics-9780192898609?cc=gb&lang=en&
#introduction #politicaleconomy #KingsCollegeLondon #finance #regulation #power #ideas #knowledge #banking #shadowbanking #digitalfinance #psa #UKeconomicpolicy #brexit #CityofLondon
Il risultato di una regolamentazione sbagliata e suicida: i rischi non sono spariti, ma si sono semplicemente spostati in settori non regolamentati. #EU #bankingunion #shadowbanking
RT @MilanoFinanza: Così cambiano i ricavi delle banche: meno credito, più commissioni https://www.milanofinanza.it/news/cosi-cambiano-i-ricavi-delle-banche-meno-credito-piu-commissioni-202206101032346356?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Marcozanni86/status/1535181017727762433
#EU #BankingUnion #shadowbanking