#ShadowBanks account for the half of the world’s assets and pose growing risks, chart @barronsonline bit.ly/3J7ITIT
Luis de Guindos, #ECB VP: non-banks had grown rapidly in the past decade, providing 26% of credit to non-financial companies in the eurozone last year, up from 15% in 2008. The total assets of eurozone #shadowbanks had more than doubled in the past 14y to €31trn.
#ECB is concerned about risks from #ShadowBanks – The Interconnectedness b/w the #banking and the non-bank financial sector remains high, chart @FT https://cutt.ly/CwqhzpWS
#ShadowBanks ‘ vulnerabilities appear to have increased in the past decade – stress is also brought on by liquidity mismatches, chart @IMFNews https://cutt.ly/r7is235
#ShadowBanks could yet cause trouble - concerns about commercial #realestate will start to expose other vulnerabilities in the financial system, chart @RanaForoohar op-ed @FT https://cutt.ly/w7qXtRx
IMF - #ShadowBanks: Out of the Eyes of #Regulators. #ShadowBanking symbolizes one of the many #failings of the #FinancialSystem leading up to the #globalfinancialcrisis. Estimating the #size of the #ShadowBankingSystem is particularly difficult because many of its entities do not report to #government #regulators. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/Series/Back-to-Basics/Shadow-Banks #GlobalFinancialRisk #risk #regulators
#shadowbanks #regulators #shadowbanking #failings #financialsystem #globalfinancialcrisis #size #shadowbankingsystem #government #globalfinancialrisk #risk
If the economy plunges into a #recession next year as rates continue rising, some regulators fear that problems at unpoliced #ShadowBanks could ricochet through the financial system or increase the number of lost jobs @WashingtonPost bit.ly/3WvWXko