#ShadowDiplomats @ICIJorg researched which countries host & appoint honorary consuls, & established a transparency index that measures how easy or difficult it is to access this information for each. ICIJ found 78 of the countries did not make public the names of their honorary consuls.
Transparency Index - Honorary consuls lists published by governments around the world: see the data here https://www.icij.org/investigations/shadow-diplomats/honorary-consuls-country-list/
#UberFiles, #EricssonList, #ShadowDiplomats, #TraffickingInc, #RussianArchive, #XinjiangPoliceFiles: How 2022 turned into one of @icij’s biggest years for investigations and impact https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2022/12/how-2022-turned-into-one-of-icijs-biggest-years-for-investigations-and-impact/
#UberFiles #EricssonList #shadowdiplomats #traffickinginc #russianarchive #Xinjiangpolicefiles
How a global data dive uncovered hundreds of honorary consuls linked to crimes or scandals
#ICIJ spent months requesting, collating and analyzing data on honorary consuls from all around the world, reviewing hundreds who were mired in controversy. #ShadowDiplomats
¿Te lo perdiste? 🔎 #AlertaCIPER Cónsules honorarios de Chile han sido procesados por corrupción en México y Bélgica. El capítulo chileno de #ShadowDiplomats
@ICIJorg@twitter.com @propublica@twitter.com
RT @ciper@twitter.com
#AlertaCIPER Cónsules honorarios de Chile han sido procesados por corrupción en México y Bélgica
🔎 El capítulo chileno de #ShadowDiplomats @ICIJorg@twitter.com @propublica@twitter.com
RT @ICIJorg@twitter.com
NEW: #ShadowDiplomats exposes the global scale of misuse and exploitation of a little-known role in international diplomacy called honorary consuls, undermined by alleged criminals.
Investigated by ICIJ, @ProPublica@twitter.com and 160 journalists in 46 countries. 🧵 https://bit.ly/3hAFpUp
#AlertaCIPER Cónsules honorarios de Chile han sido procesados por corrupción en México y Bélgica
🔎 El capítulo chileno de #ShadowDiplomats @ICIJorg@twitter.com @propublica@twitter.com
NEW: Under Vladimir Putin, Russia has appointed dozens of honorary consuls. Many spread pro-Kremlin sentiment around the world.
The latest from our #ShadowDiplomats investigation with @ProPublica
Agents of influence: How #Russia deploys an army of #ShadowDiplomats https://www.icij.org/investigations/shadow-diplomats/russia-putin-honorary-consuls-kremlin-diplomacy/ via @ICIJorg
RT @ChristianFuchs_@twitter.com
Geplant wurde das Projekt im russischen Claas-Werk in Krasnodar. Der langjährige Generaldirektor von Claas ist gleichzeitig 🇩🇪Honorarkonsul. Half also ein Mitarbeiter @AuswaertigesAmt@twitter.com dabei, die Außenpolitik der Bundesregierung zu torpedieren? #ShadowDiplomats #UkraineRussiaWar
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChristianFuchs_/status/1597980542221574151
#shadowdiplomats #UkraineRussiaWar
Am zweeten Deel vum Podcast hunn ech mam @luccaregari iwwert d'Recherche #shadowdiplomats geschwat a wat hien rausfonnt huet iwwert d'"consuls honoraires" vu 🇱🇺. Et ass eng "ehrenwert Gesellschaft" … https://www.reporter.lu/podcast-on-the-record-lektiounen-aus-der-pandemie/
Beaucoup de consuls honoraires appointés par le Luxembourg sont accusés dans différentes affaires criminelles ou scandales variés.
RT @reporter_lu@twitter.com
Die internationale Recherche #ShadowDiplomats von @ICIJorg@twitter.com und @propublica@twitter.com zeigt: Viele Honorarkonsuln sind in Straftaten oder andere Skandale verwickelt. Auch in der Liste jener Ehrenbotschafter, die 🇱🇺 Interessen vertreten, sind wir fündig geworden. https://www.reporter.lu/shadow-diplomats-luxemburgs-honorarkonsuln-im-zwielicht/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/reporter_lu/status/1594571311036047360
Luxemburgs Honorarkonsuln im Zwielicht
#shadowdiplomats Eng international Recherche wéist vill problematesch Personnagen ënnert den "consuls honoraires". De @luccaregari huet och fir 🇱🇺 Fäll fonnt, déi d'Fro opwerft, wien Lëtzebuerg representéiert. A wéi den Ausseministère déi Léit kontrolléiert. https://www.reporter.lu/shadow-diplomats-luxemburgs-honorarkonsuln-im-zwielicht/
RT @SZ@twitter.com
#ShadowDiplomats: Wie der Honorarkonsul für Belarus in Italien Einfluss auf die Wahl des europäischen Fechtpräsidenten nahm. Eine Recherche von @SZ_Investigativ@twitter.com, @NDRrecherche@twitter.com, @WDRinvestigativ@twitter.com #SZPlus https://sz.de/1.5698779?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=twitterbot&utm_campaign=1.5698779
Earlier this week, we published the first chapter of our latest investigation with ProPublica.
The #ShadowDiplomats reveals the inner workings behind honorary consuls, the least-regulated actors in international diplomacy.
"The untold story of how hundreds of rogue #honoraryconsuls, including alleged #terror financiers and #criminals, have undermined a little-known system of global diplomacy"
An #ICIJ #Investigation
#honoraryconsuls #terror #criminals #icij #investigation #shadowdiplomats
#Honorarkonsul*in ist ein Ehrenamt.
Er/Sie vertritt d. Staat, wo der keine berufskonsularische Vertretung finanzieren kann/will.
Doch nicht jede/r ist ein/e #Ehrenmann/frau
Schattendiplomaten: Die schmutzigen Geschäfte der Honorarkonsuln
#Honorarkonsul #ehrenmann #shadowdiplomats
Hej @dkmedier@twitter.com. Værd at holde øje med denne bølge af historier.
RT @ICIJorg@twitter.com
NEW: #ShadowDiplomats exposes the global scale of misuse and exploitation of a little-known role in international diplomacy called honorary consuls, undermined by alleged criminals.
Investigated by ICIJ, @ProPublica@twitter.com and 160 journalists in 46 countries. 🧵 https://bit.ly/3hAFpUp
RT @WillFitzgibbon@twitter.com
We reporters searched court records, media archives and other sources in dozens of languages to find 500+ past and current honorary consuls accused of wrongdoing. Many had abused their diplomatic status.
The result: #shadowdiplomats @ICIJorg@twitter.com @propublica@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WillFitzgibbon/status/1592245354421813248