I'm not even half way through the main story line, but I've now killed every single captain and warchief. #ShadowOfMordor đȘ
Now I just can't die, so it doesn't add any more đ
Sort of an #introduction. I mostly play #multiplayer #games and recently have been chasing detective and problem solving games.
Now playing:
Legend of Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom #TotK
Deep Rock Galactic #RockAndStone
Rocket League #RocketLeague
Games I have fond memories of:
#introduction #multiplayer #games #totk #rockandstone #rocketleague #gunfirereborn #tunic #discoelysium #shadowofmordor #castlecrashers #loversinadangerousspacetime #portal2 #botw #returnoftheobradinn #pikmin4 #supermariobroswonder #outerwilds
Kiinnostaa myös #pelit. Nyt vetÀnyt puoleensa erilaiset ongelmanratkaisu- ja pÀÀttelypelit, ja moninpelit kaverien kanssa.
TÀllÀ hetkellÀ tulee palattua nÀiden pariin:
Legend of Zelda - Tears of Kingdom #totk
Deep Rock Galactic #rockAndStone
Rocket League #rocketLeague
Vaikutuksen ovat jÀttÀneet:
#pelit #totk #rockandstone #rocketleague #gunfirereborn #tunic #discoelysium #shadowofmordor #castlecrashers #loversinadangerousspacetime #portal2 #botw #returnoftheobradinn #pikmin4 #supermariobroswonder
Apr 23, 2023 - Day 113 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 124
Game: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Oct 1, 2014
Library Date: Mar 13, 2018
Unplayed: 1867d (5y1m10d)
Playtime: 74m
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is a third-person open-world action-adventure (some light RPG elements) that is, surprisingly, set in Middle-earth, between The Hobbit and LotR.
However, the most surprising thing about this game for me, other than the ~20 minutes of introduction video, was how it does not feel like a game that's almost 9 years old.
You play as a Gondor Ranger that's been murdered and trapped between life and death, and... look, I'm not sure what the end-game is meant to be, but I was having a hell of a time just sneaking around and kill Uruk-hai.
Combat is fun (if a little counter-intuitive, being that space is "run" and left-shift is "sneak".)
Sneaking up behind an unaware Uruk and shanking them with the dagger is satisfying, as is straight-up swordplay.
You can also "stealth" into wraith mode, and put an arrow into into a distant orc, and watch them drop with a satisfying whistle-and-thunk.
This game feels like motivation to keep playing through library, to discover gems like this that I'd missed completely.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is:
2: Good
#MiddleEarth #ShadowOfMordor #OpenWorld #ActionAdventure #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#middleearth #shadowofmordor #openworld #ActionAdventure #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
And no, I didn't buy #HogwartsLegacy, but that's just because I already played #ShadowofMordor and this looks like a re-skinned version of that. Prolly catch it when it's free on PSPlus in a couple months.
#jkrisnotyourenemy #shadowofmordor #HogwartsLegacy
I tried #TheWitcher3 again after the new #PS5 update. Looks great. Still canât get over how it handles. I wish it was more like #ShadowOfMordor, which is a slightly older game that handles much better IMO. Iâm hours into it now that itâs available on PS+ Extra.
#thewitcher3 #ps5 #shadowofmordor
Atentas GoGers, que estĂĄn os xogos da Middle-Earthâą cun 85% de desconto.
#GoG #FCKDRM #Videoxogos #Videogames #MiddleEarth #ShadowOfMordor #ShadowOfWar
#videogames #shadowofwar #shadowofmordor #middleearth #videoxogos #fckdrm #gog
Ratbag, how many times have I been called man swine? Too many to count.
#lotr #shadowofmordor #videogames
#Overcooked2 #Pokemon #Portal2 #RainbowSixSiege #RDR2 #Rocksmith #ShadowOfMordor #Shenmue #Sims4 #Splatoon3 #TellMeWhy #TheDarkPicturesAnthology #Vigor #WatchDogs #WeWereHere (sur Switch et Xbox Series X)
Je navigue entre périodes de repos, prendre soin de moi et nourrir le lien avec mes diverses relations, prendre soin de la bouture qu'on m'a offert, fitness, balades à vélo, militantisme, le collectif et l'associatif, les évÚnements culturels et/ou queer, hibernation avec plaid, chocolat chaud
#overcooked2 #pokemon #Portal2 #rainbowsixsiege #rdr2 #rocksmith #shadowofmordor #shenmue #sims4 #Splatoon3 #tellmewhy #thedarkpicturesanthology #vigor #watchdogs #wewerehere
I've been thinking a lot about that phenomenon of putting off games. I do it a lot. With #ArkhamKnight and with #ACUnity as mentioned. I still haven't played #DoomEternal either. I put these games off and try out similar but basically lesser games and sometimes even force myself to finish them. It's a bad habit. Finishing #ShadowOfMordor would be engaging in this habit yet again. What gives? I also eat my fries and chips before my burgers and sandwiches. This feels like similar behavior.
#arkhamknight #acunity #doometernal #shadowofmordor
I don't know if I'll keep playing either of these. Forza Horizon 4 feels more likely if only because I keep forgetting that so much of it annoys me and launch it again every few days. Maybe at some point I'll get over it one way or the other. #ShadowOfMordor feels less likely to hold me. I've still got Arkham Knight and a bunch of Assassin's Creeds to play (up to Unity), and these are better similar games. Maybe one day I'll need it but for now having given it a try is probably enough.
#ShadowOfMordor. Cut scenes again. There are so many once you get into a big encampment or challenge a named orc. First the main guy beats his chest for up to 10 seconds, and then each of his lieutenants, or whatever, and whichever other orcs of import wander by, all in the middle of a 20-orc-deep melee. And these intros can't be skipped. And even the first time they play I feel like I've seen them before. But I do really love the idea of the side quests, the ones that make your weapons famous.
one of the LAZIEST attempts to fix this was #ShadowOfMordor where they added a DLC for a female playable main character
which, initially, you think "nice! so cool!" because it's free, too
BUT all of the cut scenes, and voice acting are STILL the male character lmao
Le programme de la chaĂźne pour septembre-octobre est consultable ici : http://yliek-kadrek.over-blog.com/planning.html
Les nouvelles découvertes : #0AD, #DiRTRally, #MiddleEarth : #ShadowOfMordor, #ShadowrunReturns et #AStoryAboutMyUncle.
Les séries continuent, bien entendu.
Au plaisir de vous retrouver pour l'une ou l'autre d'entre-elles. :)
#0ad #dirtrally #middleearth #shadowofmordor #shadowrunreturns #astoryaboutmyuncle #gaming #jeu #jeux #steam #gnu #linux