watched a #ShadowOfTheColossus review, now I desperately want to play ico and SotC again. and give Last Guardian a try. RELEASE PC VERSONS YOU COWARDS.
Good VGM 166 - Shadow of the Colossus - The Opened Way (Battle with the Colossus)
#ShadowOfTheColossus #PS2 #PS3 #PS4 #TeamIco #VideoGameMusic #videogames #music #vgm
#vgm #Music #videogames #videogamemusic #teamico #ps4 #ps3 #ps2 #shadowofthecolossus
Tried to get #ShadowOfTheColossus to run in an emulator all day, but was plagued with random crashes that seem to be unfixable for now. I guess it will have to be pushed back.
Quite a bummer. :kitten_sad:
So I'm playing #ShadowOfTheColossus on PS4, finished the 4th colossus and I'm just kinda done? The camera is janky, the puzzles are kinda unintuitive and while the game is beautiful and atmospheric and melancholic... It's just not that fun to play? I've very briefly played the PS2 version and remember being impressed with the game but I dunno, the PS4 remake just feels two decades behind while games inspired by SOTC are more enjoyable to play than its remake.
Good VGM 070 - Shadow of the Colossus - The End of the Battle
#ShadowOfTheColossus #sotc #TeamIco #playstation #videogames #music #vgm
#vgm #Music #videogames #Playstation #teamico #sotc #shadowofthecolossus
Ya acabé The Shadow of the Colossus. Me encantó el mundo, tan tranquilo y a la vez salvaje. Los colosos me enamoraron, ver esas fuerzas de la naturaleza moverse era espectacular (y cuando los miras a los ojos ves lo monos que son). Matarlos ya es otra cosa... Y viajar con Agro. :blobcatheart:
Dos quejas: el final, meh; y que el muchacho se tropieza con una hierbita o con el propio aire y ya esta rodando por el suelo :11128:
#videojuegos #videogames #shadowofthecolossus
Now that I finally finished Psychonauts on PS2 (only 17 years late!) ...
It’s time to move on to the rest of the PS2 games I didn’t finish.
Up next, Shadow of the Colossus. Absolutely wonderful concept, but it’s *awfully* lonely riding a horse ("Agro!") around that vast map.
I think I got to No. 8 last time — the guy with the geysers? Totally flummoxed. Let’s see if I can get all 16 this time… odds are 50-50.
Dang my cohost put out an excellent video analyzing introverted games. I’m the one in charge of all the toilet humor on our podcast but he’s putting out art. Check it out!
#podcast #videogames #shadowofthecolossus #eldenring #quiet
#podcast #videogames #shadowofthecolossus #eldenring #quiet
My #Top5games on #PS2:
1. #MetalGearSolid 2
A controversial one. I do love when Kojima gets crazy.
2. #GodOfWar 2
Amazing spectacle, puzzles, platforming. Best of the series.
3. #ShadowOfTheColossus
You don't often see your character become the villain.
4. #JakAndDaxter
Colorful 3d platformer. #Naught Dog, try this again.
5. #SlyCooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Fun stealth and a precursor to another fave, Infamous
#top5games #ps2 #shareyourgames #metalgearsolid #godofwar #shadowofthecolossus #jakanddaxter #naught #slycooper #sony #konami #teamico #videogames #gaming #retro
"Favorite games on each console" has inspired me to make some more posts. #ShareYourGames
#Top5games on #PS2:
1. #MetalGearSolid 2
2. #GodOfWar 2
5. #SlyCooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
#shareyourgames #top5games #ps2 #metalgearsolid #godofwar #shadowofthecolossus #jakanddaxter #slycooper #sony #konami #teamico #videogames #gaming #retro
@kristophr @asolitarybear @cheesebean
#NES - #Tetris
#SNES - #Shadowrun
#Genesis - #AlteredBeast
#PS1 - #TrapGunner
#PS2 - #ShadowOfTheColossus
#PS3 - #ArmoredCoreVerdictDay
#PSP - #ZHPUnlosingRangerVSDarkdeathEvilman
#DS - #ShinMegamiTensei Strange Journey
#nes #tetris #snes #shadowrun #genesis #alteredbeast #ps1 #trapgunner #ps2 #shadowofthecolossus #ps3 #armoredcoreverdictday #psp #zhpunlosingrangervsdarkdeathevilman #ds #shinmegamitensei
Eines meiner Lieblingsspiele, auch wenn es schlicht ist, ist es fesselnd.
#shadowofthecolossus #ps5 #playstation5 #playstation #gaming #virtualphotography #gamephotography
#shadowofthecolossus #ps5 #playstation5 #playstation #gaming #virtualphotography #gamephotography
Day 35, daily drawing challenge
I wanted to draw something from Shadow of the Colossus. It's a very beautiful game with some memorable imagery.
The picture I used as a reference was a little blurry (and I forgot to save it), so it was challenging to match what I saw. I probably could've taken more time on it. Oh well.
#shadowofthecolossus #pencil #drawing #art #daily
Schlicht, dennoch einer meiner Lieblingsspiele, welches mich gefesselt hat und fesselt.
Mochtet ihr das Game oder nicht so eures?
Game: #shadowofthecolossus
Developer: #teamico , #sonyinteractiveentertainment
Platform: #PlayStation5
#ps5 #playstation #VirtualPhotography #gamephotography #colossus #Entspannt #gemütlich #gaming #streaming #twitch #TwitchDE #twitchdeutschland
#shadowofthecolossus #teamico #sonyinteractiveentertainment #playstation5 #ps5 #playstation #VirtualPhotography #gamephotography #colossus #Entspannt #gemutlich #gaming #streaming #twitch #TwitchDE #twitchdeutschland
Apparently #TenGamesToKnowMe is a thing. (The hashtag is new, but since Masto focuses on those, maybe it should be used? I'll use it.) And I'm tagging these games:
There are certainly others as well, but those were games that pointed me in particular directions.
#pubg #shadowofthecolossus #dwarffortress #portal #morrowind #rocketjockey #quake #finalfantasyvi #tetris #supermariobros #tengamestoknowme
"When you leave a game unfinished and accidentally start a religion" #ShadowOfTheColossus
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🔹Ninja Theory krótkim tweetem przerwało milczenie i zapowiedziało, że z nowym rokiem powrócą do filmów prezentujących kulisy powstania #Hellblade2.
🔹Seria #TombRaider sprzedała się już w ponad 95 milionach egzemplarzy.
🔹Na tt dyrektor kreatywny Massive Entertainment (studio Ubisoftu) zapowiedział, że w 2023 studio oficjalnie zaprezentuje swoją grę w uniwersum #StarWars.
🔹Twórcy #ShadowoftheColossus – genDESIGN ogłosili, że w 2023 podzielą się informacjami o swoim najnowszym projekcie.
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