El estudio #Mimimi chapa. Dicen: "[...] dedicating the past decade and a half of our lives working on increasingly ambitious games took a heavy personal toll on us and our families". Tengo dos juegazos suyos: el primer #ShadowTactics y #DesperadosIII Una pena, hacían buenos juegos en dicho genero.
#mimimi #shadowtactics #desperadosiii
I just noticed that Desperados III, which is on my wishlist, and Shadow Tactics, which I know from Gameranx videos, are also by Mimimi Games, just as Shadow Gambit which I currently play (and enjoy, since I configured it to my needs). I might want to get them all. :) #ShadowGambit #ShadowTactics #Desperados #RealTimeTactics
#shadowgambit #shadowtactics #desperados #realtimetactics
The next evenings are reserved for #ShadowGambit, successor of #desperados and #ShadowTactics. It was released yesterday and I’m very excited if it is as good as the previous games! #NewReleaseThrills #StealthGaming
#stealthgaming #newreleasethrills #shadowtactics #desperados #shadowgambit
Heh, deren letzten beide Spiele waren eher "authentisch" ausgerichtet. #ShadowTactics hatte einen asiatischen Anstrich, mit Charakteren, die Samurai / Ronin sind, Fallensteller, Sprengstoffmeister und so. Bei #Desperados3, das ich nicht gespielt hab, war das ganze in einem Western-Setting, mit Gunslingern.
Jetzt mit #ShadowGambit gehen die mit untoten Piraten in die Karibik, in ein MonkeyIsland-artiges Setting, und die Charaktere haben magische Fähigkeiten, die vor allem witzig und kreativ sind.
#shadowgambit #desperados3 #shadowtactics
Jetzt habe ich innerhalb weniger Stunden von drei Seiten gehört / gelesen, dass #ShadowGambit sehr gut sein soll; von #heise, von #golem und von #rps.
Da ich #ShadowTactics fantastisch fand und das jetzt vom selben Studio das gleiche Gameplay in anderem Setting ist, werd' ich mir das wohl mal zulegen. Irgendwann. Mal gucken.
#shadowtactics #rps #golem #heise #shadowgambit
Der Speedrun bei der 7. Mission ist hammerhart.
Lag gerade mit 27 Sekunden über der Zeit. Uff.
Beim nächsten Versuch klappt es.
Bin normalerweise überhaupt nicht der Typ, der nach dem ersten Durchlauf nochmal zurückgeht, und sich alle Achievements holt, aber hier habe ich echt Bock.
Das Basis-Gameplay macht so viel Laune und da sind die Badges eine tolle Ausrede, sich die Levels aus allen Blickwinkeln nochmal anzuschauen.
Am schwierigsten war bisher der Speedrun Badge bei der 3. Mission. Da bin ich gestern echt ein bisschen verzweifelt. Heute hat es dann (mit Mühe und Not) geklappt.
Mimimi Games Developer Interview
For this perceptive podcast, I spoke with game designer Moritz Wagner from Mimimi Games to talk about the studio's history, stealth design, and their upcoming game Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. We spoke about how the studio pivoted towards stealth/strategy with Sha
#indies #interview #interview #MimimiGames #ShadowTactics #StealthGameDesign #StealthGames
#indies #interview #mimimigames #shadowtactics #stealthgamedesign #stealthgames
Ich bin mal wieder von einem Spiel gehypt: Shadow Gambit. Ähnlich wie #ShadowTactics und #Desperados3. Beide hab ich geliebt :) Tolle Spiele.
#shadowgambit #desperados3 #shadowtactics
@thomas @bragi Oh, #ShadowTactics is great! In fact, I'd say it's one of the best games from the past few years - the gameplay is fun and challenging, the dynamic between the characters is awesome, and the soundtrack is just spectacular. Still, the strategy segments can be quite tricky at times, and I myself had to muster all my brain power to get through them (although I have lots of experience with strategy games). 😅 But yeah, if you like RTS and Japan, you can't go wrong with Shadow Tactics.
@bragi #SeasonsAfterFall #SeriousSam4 #ShadowTactics #ShadowWarrior #SirWhoopass #SniperContracts #SOMA #SpiritOfTheNorth #Stray #Styx #TaintedGrail #TalesOfArise #Ultrakill #Valheim #VampireSurvivors #Vanquish #Wildfire
#seasonsafterfall #serioussam4 #shadowtactics #shadowwarrior #sirwhoopass #snipercontracts #soma #spiritofthenorth #stray #styx #taintedgrail #talesofarise #ultrakill #valheim #vampiresurvivors #vanquish #wildfire
Divine Knockout & First Class Trouble & Gamedec gratis su Epic Store!
#EpicStore #Gratis #Free #Game #KerbalSpaceProgram #ShadowTactics #AikosChoice
#epicstore #gratis #free #game #kerbalspaceprogram #shadowtactics #aikoschoice
Epic Games Store has again 2 really good games for free, in case you don't already own them:
#KerbalSpaceProgram and the standalone addon to #ShadowTactics a wonderful realtime tactics game, very similar to Commandos or Desparados, but way smoother playing and in a japanese shogun/ninja setting.
#kerbalspaceprogram #shadowtactics
Kerbal Space Program & Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice gratis su Epic Store!
#EpicStore #Gratis #Free #Game #KerbalSpaceProgram #ShadowTactics #AikosChoice
#epicstore #gratis #free #game #kerbalspaceprogram #shadowtactics #aikoschoice
Hoy día de reyes en la #EpicStore nos han dejado dos regalos bastante curiosos para los amantes de la estrategia y la conquista espacial.
#Kerbal Space Program y #ShadowTactics: Aiko's Choice están disponibles hasta el 12 de enero a las 17h.
#epicstore #kerbal #shadowtactics
#EpicStore freebies are back on the usual schedule, available until next thursday, #KerbalSpaceProgram and #ShadowTacticsAikosChoice:
#epicstore #kerbalspaceprogram #shadowtacticsaikoschoice #pcgaming #gaming #freegames #games #shadowtactics
Free in the #EpicStore: #KerbalSpaceProgram and Expandalone #ShadowTactics Aiko's Choice
#shadowtactics #kerbalspaceprogram #epicstore
I'm playing Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun and I love it. Do you play it too?
#shadowtactics #ShadowTacticsBladesOfTheShogun
#ShadowTacticsBladesOfTheShogun #shadowtactics
This is a #Mastodon exklusive #Steam #Key #Giveaway. Follow me + Boost for:
Good luck!
#mastodon #steam #key #giveaway #shadowtactics
The very good #ShadowTactics is currently free on the #EpicStore.
I had a lot of fun playing it, and it brought back memories of the late nineties' Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines.