Build Engine Randomizer v0.9.3 Beta: improved enemy handling in Blood and new GUI option for disabling CON file randomization
#BuildEngine #DukeNukem #BloodGame #IonFury #ShadowWarrior
#buildengine #dukenukem #bloodgame #ionfury #shadowwarrior
@bragi #SeasonsAfterFall #SeriousSam4 #ShadowTactics #ShadowWarrior #SirWhoopass #SniperContracts #SOMA #SpiritOfTheNorth #Stray #Styx #TaintedGrail #TalesOfArise #Ultrakill #Valheim #VampireSurvivors #Vanquish #Wildfire
#seasonsafterfall #serioussam4 #shadowtactics #shadowwarrior #sirwhoopass #snipercontracts #soma #spiritofthenorth #stray #styx #taintedgrail #talesofarise #ultrakill #valheim #vampiresurvivors #vanquish #wildfire
Build Engine Randomizer v0.9.2 Beta increased user friendliness
#BuildEngine #DukeNukem #ShadowWarrior #BloodGame #IonFury
#ionfury #bloodgame #shadowwarrior #dukenukem #buildengine
Se acaba Febrero y sigue la gesta por terminar juegos de un backlog que no deja de crecer (no podemos evitarlo); esta semana entre RPG鈥檚 he dado con alg煤n que otro juego cortito y un DLC con el que he terminado todo lo que Shadow Warrior Classic Redux ofrece...
#blog #videojuegos #retro #retrogaming #retrogames #shadowwarrior #pathfinder #blackwell #yakuza #rpg
#blog #videojuegos #retro #retrogaming #retrogames #shadowwarrior #pathfinder #blackwell #yakuza #rpg
I'm sure most #Android and old school #BUILDEngine folks are aware of these guys, but if not, play #DukeNukem3D, #Blood, #ShadowWarrior, ##PowerSlave, #RedneckRampage, all the classic #DOOM and #Quake titles, plus #IonFury on your phone, tablet, or #retroidpocket3plus using OpenTouch Gaming's awesome apps! Well worth the few bucks for the hours of enjoyment!
#android #buildengine #dukenukem3d #blood #shadowwarrior #powerslave #redneckrampage #doom #quake #ionfury #retroidpocket3plus
Ich bin eigentlich ein Freund von #FlyingWildHog鈥榮 #ShadowWarrior-Reihe, Teil 1 und 2 habe ich sehr begeistert gespielt. Dem Arena-Ansatz von #ShadowWarrior3 konnte ich hingegen nichts abgewinnen, klar das Gameplay war flie脽end und gewohnt komfortabel, aber ich wurde nie richtig damit warm. Ich bezweifele, dass die nun erschienene Definitive Edition daran etwas 盲ndert, aber auf den verbesserten 60 FPS Modus bin ich trotzdem gespannt! #YouDontMessWithLoWang
#flyingwildhog #shadowwarrior #ShadowWarrior3 #youdontmesswithlowang
Build Engine Randomizer v0.9 (for Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Ion Fury, Blood, and PowerSlave)
#DukeNukem #ShadowWarrior #IonFury #BloodGame #Randomizer #BuildEngine
#buildengine #randomizer #bloodgame #ionfury #shadowwarrior #dukenukem
Build Engine Randomizer v0.8 Beta, with some minor fixes to Duke 3D boss health and the steroids bug
#BuildEngine #DukeNukem #ShadowWarrior #BloodGame #Randomizer
#randomizer #bloodgame #shadowwarrior #dukenukem #buildengine
I really liked Shadow Warrior.
Shadow Warrior 2 has some interesting elements to it and a lot more variety, but it falls really short on motivation and feeling.
I vastly preferred the way the old "tech tree" operated as well. That one had stuff to look forward to because some unlocks were game changers. This is all minor stuff.
One last 2022 release for my #SteamDeck: #EvilWest, a Third Person Shooter by the makers of #HardReset and the #ShadowWarrior series that feels like it fell right out of the PS3 era - and I mean that in the best way possible.
Very linear, meaty and simple action and a surprisingly well developed story, that will give you a kick if you're into vampires and Westerns.
#hardreset #shadowwarrior #SteamDeck #EvilWest
66 - Shadow Warrior, PC
Un grandisimo #fps con gustillo retro en cuanto que no es pasillero. La ambientaci贸n y el doblaje est谩 tremendo,el uso de la katana y sus poderes le dan mucha variedad. Impresionante.
#shadowwarrior #pc
#videojuegos #shooter #katana #steam #pcgaming #videogames #pcgames #fps
#fps #shadowwarrior #pc #devolverdigital #videojuegos #shooter #katana #steam #pcgaming #videogames #pcgames
Zdecydowanie za d艂ugo zwleka艂em z si臋gni臋ciem po #IonFury. To majstersztyk w wykorzystaniu kultowego engine'u #Build, na kt贸rym przed laty dzia艂a艂y #DukeNukem3D, #Blood czy #ShadowWarrior.
Poziomy s膮 ogromne i pe艂ne pomys艂贸w, g艂贸wna bohaterka charyzmatyczna i wyrazista, a do wszystkiego przygrywa 艣wietny soundtrack #JarkkoRotsten. Tylko ma艂o odmian przeciwnik贸w troch臋 mi doskwiera艂o.
Trzeba nadrobi膰 pozosta艂e zaleg艂o艣ci na polu #boomershooter.
#ionfury #build #dukenukem3d #blood #shadowwarrior #jarkkorotsten #boomershooter #gry #gaming #giereczkowo #fps #3drealms #platyna