The Failed Promise of Electric Cars
Federal funding for electric vehicle manufacturing was supposed to create thousands of good-paying, union jobs. But workers at Ultium Cells, which makes electric batteries for GM, reveal a different story. They make just $16.50/hour. One worker told us he's afraid he'll come home in a body bag.
Ultium received $2.5 billion from the government for their electric battery project.
One Ultium worker told us, "They need to stop giving taxpayer dollars to companies that essentially treat their workers like gum on the bottom of a boot.”
#neoliberalism #danger #workingconditions #povertywages #corporatewelfare #death #lostjobs #ceowindfalls #backroom #exposure #electricution #injuries #illness #airquality #safetyhazards #retaliation #suspended #shadydeals
#neoliberalism #danger #workingconditions #corporatewelfare #death #lostjobs #ceowindfalls #backroom #exposure #electricution #injuries #illness #airquality #safetyhazards #retaliation #suspended #povertywages #shadydeals
"Officials who question why contract prices are inflated receive warnings, including one who objected to a power plant in northern Salahaddin province that was overvalued by $600 million. He got a call when it became clear he would not sign off on the deal, he said.
Be careful, he was told.",he%20was%20told.
#middleEast #energyEconomy #kickbacks #shadyDeals #iraqWar #saddamHussein #fertileCrescent #stability #prosperity #corruption #extortion #embezzlement #offTheBooks #accountability
#middleeast #energyeconomy #kickbacks #shadydeals #iraqwar #saddamhussein #fertilecrescent #stability #prosperity #corruption #extortion #embezzlement #offthebooks #accountability