Shaggy inkcap mari #marilwyd #horseskull #folklore #wales #fungi #inkcap #shaggyinkcap
#MariLwyd #horseskull #folklore #wales #fungi #inkcap #shaggyinkcap
@silentia7 Nice find! It's #ShaggyInkcap (Coprinus comatus) - here's some more about these #mushrooms.,when%20young%20and%20fresh)%20fungus.
Spotted some shaggy ink caps while walking Sid. I’m told they’re edible but I’m not confident enough with my fungus identification to try. Are there any foragers on mastodon?
#foragingforfood #foraging #mycology #fungus #shaggyinkcap
Another addition to my edible mushroom journal. Coprinus comatus. Painting the scales was still a struggle. I’m still not good cat painting details with complicated structure. I actually used the Schmincke random gray 2022 to lay the base colour, which is actually very suitable for this shaggy ink cap. #shaggyinkcap #coprinuscomatus #watercolor #watercolorillustration #botanicalart #botanicalillustration #fungi #mycology #mycologyart #watercolormushroom
#watercolormushroom #mycologyart #mycology #fungi #botanicalillustration #botanicalart #watercolorillustration #watercolor #CoprinusComatus #shaggyinkcap