BBC News - #Iran protests: Mother of #Nika #Shakarami tells of anguish
#MahsaAmini #WomenLifeFreedom
#Iran #nika #shakarami #MahsaAmini #womenlifefreedom
Its the world upside down nowadays.
#Islam #dictatorship #Iran has summoned the French ambassador to the country because of #cartoons about Iranian #dictator #Ayatollah Ali #Khamenei in Charlie #Hebdo. The French satirical weekly published the cartoons in support of the months-long protests in Iran against the oppressive regime who slays its citizens to stay in power!
It seems that the #truth hurts these medieval islamic dictatorial regime!
#islam #dictatorship #iran #Cartoons #dictator #ayatollah #khamenei #hebdo #truth #rahnavard #shakarami