#Erdbeben im Raum Pfungstadt um 02:43 Uhr am 10.09.2023,
von meinem #RaspberryShake (#CitizenScience seismischen Netzwerk) in Frankfurt aufgezeichnet.
#erdbeben #raspberryshake #citizenscience #shakenet
M 6.8
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
Last night
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake
Actually a deep M7.0 #quake near Fiji, about 2140 km away.
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#quake #earthquake #raspberryshake #citizenscience #shakenet
#Earthquake event recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryshake #earthquake
#Earthquake event recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryshake #earthquake
@otaki_shake #Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
Light earthquake occurred 15 km south-west of Dannevirke: https://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/2023p280164
#earthquake #raspberryshake #citizenscience #shakenet
#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what's shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app
#shakenet #citizenscience #raspberryShake #earthquake