1. Kreisklasse: Ein Remis mit Gewinner und Verlierer
In der 1. Südstaffel trennen sich der SC Lüchow und TuS Wustrow mit einem 1:1 – 2:1-Erfolg für MTV Dannenberg
#Lüchow #1.FußballKreisklasse #FCSGGartow #Maier #SCLüchow #Shaker
#luchow #fcsggartow #maier #scluchow #shaker
Today I have a #DIYMusicalInstrument for all you #Lego fans- a DIY #Shaker #SummerHolidayActivities #GetKidsIntoMusic #Music #MakeYourOwnMusic
#makeyourownmusic #music #getkidsintomusic #summerholidayactivities #shaker #lego #diymusicalinstrument
Design Milk : Reform Introduces Two Classic Kitchen Designs With Atelier Collection https://design-milk.com/reform-introduces-two-classic-kitchen-designs-with-atelier-collection/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=reform-introduces-two-classic-kitchen-designs-with-atelier-collection #HomeFurnishings #AlberteTranberg #InteriorDesign #Reformcabinets #kitchendesign #reformkitchen #NinaNørgaard #YukariHotta #MariaBruun #cabinets #Reform #shaker #Main #oak
#homefurnishings #albertetranberg #interiordesign #reformcabinets #kitchendesign #reformkitchen #ninanorgaard #yukarihotta #mariabruun #cabinets #reform #shaker #main #oak
Pro tip: make sure the #shaker you are using for #kava is very well closed before shaking. Otherwise, it can blow open. The water is not warm enough to hurt anyone, but I don't like #cleaning up afterwards.
Yeah, that just happened to me. I wasn't hurt, just annoyed. I swear I heard the click when I closed the shaker. Not sure what happened there.
#shaker #kava #cleaning #protip
het derde deel Slowly Sleeping van het Langzaam Drieluik – behoort tot de bijna vergeten songs uit 2007 – gerestaureerd in 2017 Slowly Sleeping in deze song heb ik kennelijk geprobeerd wat rust te vinden in de soms wat overdadige […]
#e-piano #Garageband #LogicX #percussie #Shaker #SlowlySleeping #Trompetten #VioolEnsemble #VoiceEffects
#e #garageband #logicx #percussie #shaker #slowlysleeping #trompetten #vioolensemble #voiceeffects
het eerste deel Slowly Dancing van het Langzaam Drieluik – behoort tot de bijna vergeten songs uit 2007 – gerestaureerd in 2017 Slowly Dancing dit stuk is een typisch voorbeeld van het uitproberen van ritmes in combinatie met verschillende stijlen […]
#Blokfluit #Celesta #ContraBassen #drums #Fluiten #Garageband #Harp #LangzaamDrieluik #LogicX #Shaker #SlowlyDancing #SynthBass #Trombones #Trompetten #Vibrafoon #Violen
#blokfluit #celesta #contrabassen #drums #fluiten #garageband #harp #langzaamdrieluik #logicx #shaker #slowlydancing #synthbass #trombones #trompetten #vibrafoon #violen
🪵 Happy National #somethingonastickday 🍡
#craftbeerlovers #craftbeer #beercrafts #beerlovers #percussion #bottlecap #shaker #bottlecapcrafts #shophandmade
#somethingonastickday #craftbeerlovers #craftbeer #beercrafts #beerlovers #percussion #bottlecap #shaker #bottlecapcrafts #shophandmade
@litstudies. I just got these pretty flyers from #CambridgeUniversityPress. One is for a monograph I wrote; one is for an essay collection I edited and includes some extraordinary work by #MarkGoble, #BobLevine, and #StefanieSobelle, to name a few (there are many more). Both consider representations of #time in #US #literature. You'll find essays on #poet #RichardSiken, #Shaker dancing, #marronage, and much more. There is a 20% discount, which brings the cost to ~23.00.
#cambridgeuniversitypress #markgoble #boblevine #stefaniesobelle #time #us #literature #poet #richardsiken #shaker #marronage
So excited @litstudies that these two books -- my monograph on #time about #US literature from #CharlesBrockdenBrown to #EdwardPJones and a volume on #time with #essays about #Shaker dancing, #DeLillo, #Faulkner, et al -- are coming out in paperback on 2.2.23. $28.99 each. Thank you #CambridgeUniversityPress.
#time #us #charlesbrockdenbrown #edwardpjones #essays #shaker #delillo #Faulkner #cambridgeuniversitypress
Strezov Sampling The Creative ToolboX: Drums and Percussion KONTAKT [FREE]
About The Creative ToolboX: Drums and Percussion
To commemorate 10 years of Strezov Sampling we have created the "Cr
#Kontakt #Samples #bass #Behringer #Castanets #Conga #cymbal #DrumKit #drums #Everyone #free #kick #Kontakt #Machines #Percussions #Roland #Shaker #Snare #StrezovSampling #Toms
#kontakt #samples #bass #behringer #castanets #conga #cymbal #drumkit #drums #everyone #free #kick #machines #percussions #Roland #shaker #snare #strezovsampling #toms
@SutroTower @MtDavidson_SF Nice #shaker ! Glad to see #BayArea friends can report in after the #twittermigration.
#shaker #bayarea #twittermigration
Anyone else feel the #earthquake in the #EastBay #BayArea? We felt a good #shaker for about 4 seconds. Everyone is fine, nothing broken.
#bayarea #shaker #earthquake #eastbay
#vortex #followus
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#vortex #followus #future #technology #mechanical #design #innovation #success #business #agricoltura #natura #farm #aziendaagricola #campagna #oil #farming #agricolture #madeinitaly #farmer #shaker #frutta #verdura #tractor #trattori #plier #harvest #power #tornado #vibration
Visit our website:
#future #technology #mechanical #design #innovation #success #business #tech
#agricoltura #natura #farm #aziendaagricola #campagna #food #oil #farming
#agricolture #madeinitaly #farmer #shaker #frutta #verdura #tractor #trattori
#plier #harvest #power #vortex #tornado #vibration
#future #technology #mechanical #design #innovation #success #business #tech #agricoltura #natura #farm #aziendaagricola #campagna #food #oil #farming #agricolture #madeinitaly #farmer #shaker #frutta #verdura #tractor #trattori #plier #harvest #power #vortex #tornado #vibration
Auf der Suche nach einem guten #Mikrofon für #Shaker #Recording. Erstaunlich wenig dazu gefunden bisher.
Habe es mit #Sennheiser441 versucht und es klingt harsch und undefiniert. Das gleiche beim #SM58 oder Beta.
Die beste Lösung war bisher der #Fieldrecorder von #zoom (h4n) mit seinen Stereo Kondensator Mics.
Vielleicht mal ein #Großmembran oder #Bändchenmikrofon probieren? Leider gerade keins hier. Was benutzt ihr für Shaker?
#mikrofon #shaker #recording #Sennheiser441 #SM58 #fieldrecorder #zoom #Großmembran #Bändchenmikrofon #musikproduktion #percussion #soundengineering #tontechnik
RT @NiKi_LoliRock@twitter.com
Purple cat dry shaker 😽💜.
Available/disponible: 8€ 💰
#handmade #uvresin #cat #shaker #dryshaker #glitter #kawaii
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NiKi_LoliRock/status/1358006473108959232
#handmade #uvresin #cat #shaker #dryshaker #glitter #kawaii