President Trump Calls Out The Radicalized And Corrupt Legal System In The United States.
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Liberty #TrumpIsMyPresident #Patriot #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed #RacistLeft #DecoupleChina #DeportIllegalAliens #AuditTheFeds #EndTheUniparty #MAGA
#freedom #freespeech #liberty #trumpismypresident #patriot #2a #shallnotbeinfringed #racistleft #DecoupleChina #deportillegalaliens #auditthefeds #endtheuniparty #maga
“So now you have turkey hunters and snow goose hunters who are both actively hunting Illinois public land who have to be very careful about their firearm selection,” Witkowski told WMAY. “The firearm that’s perfectly legal to carry on public lands on Sunday is no longer legal to use on Monday.”
It’s not just hunters in Illinois that need to be mindful or face criminal penalties. Hunters from out of state with certain guns can only be in state for 24 hours.
So three more dead children in #Nashville. #shallnotbeinfringed is not an argument - it’s a fetish and you don’t get to have those if there’s a body count attached.
#nashville #shallnotbeinfringed
You May Not Have Noticed, But #Biden Proposed Massive #GunGrab During #SOTU #SecondAmendment #ShallNotBeInfringed
#biden #gungrab #sotu #secondamendment #shallnotbeinfringed
Gun Control Kills People
When will the fascist far left admits that it has blood on its collective hands and it's time to restore the people's common sense civil rights?
#SecondAmendment #Constitution #GunRights #SCOTUS #ShallNotBeInfringed
#secondamendment #constitution #gunrights #SCOTUS #shallnotbeinfringed
Those people are now supporting career politicians like Ron "Red Flag" DeSantis, who stated he is fine with gun control. I will NEVER support that. I believe Trump is the best candidate and will continue to have the support of many patriots like me. I hope voters aren't fooled by career politicians like DeSantis who are OK with "Red Flag" laws. Just watch who the neocons and anti-Trumpers eventually get behinds and it should be obvious who to oppose. #Trump2024 #MAGA #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed
#trump2024 #maga #2a #shallnotbeinfringed
@7billionrising @Klaatu how would such a bill survive a constitutional challenge? #shallnotbeinfringed
Gorka: It's Absurd To Think Bannon Was Bilking Citizens In A Phony "Build The Wall" Movement.
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Liberty #MAGA #Patriot #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed
#freedom #freespeech #liberty #maga #patriot #2a #shallnotbeinfringed
Tucker: 'You can't have guns because they no longer trust you. But, you know they've betrayed you.'
Tucker calls out the Republican Establishment. He's about the only one in legacy media that's doing so.. #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Liberty #Patriot #MAGA #EndTheUniparty
#2a #shallnotbeinfringed #freedom #freespeech #liberty #patriot #maga #endtheuniparty
Steven Crowder Makes Point That Safety is an Illusion Without The Ability To Protect Life & Property.
The first and second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are not "State's Rights" issues. Government cannot deny citizens god given rights. #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Liberty #Patriot #MAGA
#2a #shallnotbeinfringed #freedom #freespeech #liberty #patriot #maga
Gun Control Bill Advances In The Senate With Help From 14 Scumbag Gun Infringing Republicans. #2A #ShallNotBeInfringed
Republicans joined a Democrat effort to advance a gun control bill in the Senate on Tuesday night. The 80-page legislation includes language on unconstitutional red flag laws.The bill also provides grants for states that implement their own illegal and unconstitutional gun grab bills. #MAGA
#2a #shallnotbeinfringed #maga
Even if completely outlawing all guns in America was done and it was possible for all guns to be taken away and the gun violence rate dropped to zero (that's impossible, btw), I would still be against outlawing guns. I would rather live in a society with dangerous freedom than safe slavery.
#2A #shallnotbeinfringed #Brighteon
#brighteon #shallnotbeinfringed #2A
List of CEOs who are stumping to infringe on actual constitutional rights. Idk why they felt the need to split them up by the amount of employees they have but what evs.
#2A #shallnotbeinfringed #fascism #CEOs
#2a #shallnotbeinfringed #fascism #CEOs
Joe Biden's Gun Control Musings Don't Matter. The 2nd Amendment Of The Constitution Is My Gun Permit.
"I want to be very clear, this is not about taking away anyone’s guns,” Biden said before announcing he wanted to ban all “assault weapons” including AK-47s and AR-15s as well as magazines holding 30 rounds. #ShallNotBeInfringed
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Liberty #MAGA #Patriot #2A
#shallnotbeinfringed #freedom #freespeech #liberty #maga #patriot #2a