Because AT&T hates its customers and just maintains the absolute highest level of disdain for them, they refuse to let us get our Android updates directly from Google. In fact we have to wait weeks, sometimes months to get secure patches because they need time to make sure they can hack away at any freedoms that might exist within the default OS (e.g.; root access, hotspotting, wifi calling, anything they can put behind a pay wall.)

Today was a whole new one though. After today's updates I got a pop-up telling me that two new apps had been added to my phone by the "Mobile Services Manager"

Literally went to install security updates and walk away with "Crossword Jam" and some other nonsense game on my phone.

Yeah, its only two apps, and yeah it took me more time to write this than it did to uninstall them. But why does any carrier think its appropriate and wy is it permissible to bundle , and nonsense with what should be OS and Security Updates?

#bloatware #shameatt #android #principleofleastsurprise #consumertech #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago