#BigCoal does what it wants. Y'all know about mountaintop removal MTR mining?
"Move Any Mountain"
#Shamen (1991)
🎬 #MathewGlamorre directed the #film.
#90s #UK #house #breakbeat #techno #eddiefm #Film #mathewglamorre #shamen #bigcoal #HashtagGames #hillbillyasongbookorshow
🎧 #Mood | "Move Any Mountain" #Shamen (1991).
#music #breakbeat #house #psychedlic #electro #scotland #90s
#90s #scotland #electro #psychedlic #house #breakbeat #Music #matthewglamorre #shamen #mood
This paper about a LLM that can generate functional proteins is rightly getting a lot of attention. The LLM program is called ProGen. Any other music fans of a certain age out there thinking “Move Any Mountain”?
Morning music. 🎶♬♩🎶🎵
I'm listening to a bunch from a couple of Shamen LPs and couldn't help but watch the video with Jason Statham.
You're welcome.
im vergleich zu früher habe ich jetzt begriffe für diskriminierende verhaltensweisen: #gaslighting, #tonepolicing, #whataboutism, #bothsideism, isolation zb. es ändert leider (noch) nichts daran, dass es nach wie vor passiert und viele dem ausgeliefert sind. aber es hilft mir zb, mich nicht mehr dafür auch noch #shamen zu lassen.
#gaslighting #tonepolicing #whataboutism #bothsideism #shamen