Essie 🏳️‍🌈🥄 · @essie_is_okay
162 followers · 440 posts · Server

I have so many complicated feelings about shaming people for their harmful actions, specifically from a public health standpoint. It hurts so much to see people I care about or respect go everywhere maskless. I want people to know that what they're doing is not okay. I don't want a thousand other people to say the same thing making them feel hopeless and pull away from doing better all together. I want people to hear that they've hurt others, acknowledge that, and then do better. I want them to mean it, not just say it to stop people harassing them.

I have shamed people or been part of mass shaming re: COVID. I just did in a recent post about the ADA33 afterparty. But the more I think about it and hear from people who have been in community organising for decades, the more I feel like I'm just doing collateral damage. I read 5 different points of view on it by 20 different people just today and it's so much to consider, I feel very confused. I feel like I don't even know what accountability is anymore. I just want people to do better. I don't want the person doing harm to feel hopeless. But leaders going maskless to disability events also makes me feel hopeless. I want everyone to just do better, be better, and have hope.

I have so much to learn and un learn. I need to read abolitionist and HIV organisers on this.

#shame #shaming #publichealth #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #disabilityrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikko Husari · @husku
458 followers · 16157 posts · Server

Skrollaatteko fiidiä ylös/alas peukalolla tai etusormella?

Senkin moukat, voisitte kävelyttää sitä etusormen ja keskisormen jalkamuodostelmalla.

Truu-pro-scrollerit osaa moonwalkin.

#shaming #fingerplay

Last updated 1 year ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1426 followers · 13843 posts · Server

How became the for society’s ills – from to the | Karen Throsby | The Guardian

I was aware of the issue of fat shaming and poverty shaming that has taken place over the past decade based on one essential ingredient of food. Maybe the needs to be forced to act rather than blaming people without money.

#sugar #scapegoat #austerity #Costoflivingcrisis #foodindustry #politics #publicpolicy #health #shaming #poverty

Last updated 1 year ago

ᴺⁱˡᶻ 🍸 · @nilz
223 followers · 943 posts · Server

Der heutige geht raus an die und die Betreiber:innen des . Die gezielt Menschen auf mitgebrachte Getränke ansprechen, damit diese sich Zitat: "peinlich berührt" fühlen.

#kalenderspruch #kielerwoche #internationalenmarkt #armut #gesellschaft #scham #shaming

Last updated 1 year ago

ᴺⁱˡᶻ 🍸 · @nilz
216 followers · 910 posts · Server

Die ist angeblich ein "für alle"

Die berichten, laut Stadt sei die Mitnahme eigener Getränke 🥤 zur in allen öffentlichen Bereichen erlaubt. Eigentlich!

DENNOCH werden Menschen auf dem gezielt angesprochen, wenn sie eigene Getränke mitführen - offenbar damit diese sich "peinlich berührt" fühlen. 🫗

WTF Kiel?

Ich weiß jetzt, wo ich auf der KiWo künftig auf keinen Fall mehr hingehe. 🚫

#kielerwoche #volksfest #inklusion #kn #kiel #internationalenmarkt #shaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
560 followers · 7029 posts · Server

🎬 Three of my favorite actresses star in "The Miracle Club"— and .

The trailer indicates a feel-good story set in about unwed , the church, regret, , and the healing waters of .

The trailer is ruined by emotionally-manipulative music. Hope the film itself isn't.

Premieres at the in June.

#shaming #pregnant #France #dublin #superstition #faith #Movies #tribecafestival #lourdes #miracles #reconciliation #catholic #mothers #Ireland #LauraLinney #kathybates #MaggieSmith

Last updated 2 years ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
461 followers · 5651 posts · Server
Sweater Vest · @SweaterVest
14 followers · 215 posts · Server

We need to destroy slut-shaming by embracing sexuality.

Denying the existence of sexuality is counter-productive bullshit.

#sexualize #sexualization #slut #shaming #slutshaming #sexuality

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Shields · @AndrewShields
69 followers · 667 posts · Server

'It’s almost gotten to be boring, the degree to which people believe that what they refer to as “free speech” should not only allow them to say whatever they want (which it does), but should also prevent other people from understanding them to be the sort of person who says those things.’

#shaming #shunning #freespeech #scottadams #armoxon

Last updated 2 years ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
710 followers · 1144 posts · Server

’s is not a of the Americans with Disabilities Act but it was and it shows how can . More than 4 decades in different workplaces & sectors clearly demonstrated to me that the ADA is fundamentally .

#musk #disability #shaming #technically #violation #ada #cruel #badly #bosses #treat #employees #useless

Last updated 2 years ago

PrinceAeneas · @PrinceAeneas
14 followers · 65 posts · Server

#omlette #shaming

Last updated 2 years ago

I have opinions on using the 🧵 emoji on people.
If people reply out of , reacting with a 🧵 is just a tactic.
People know to use threads, if something is out of thread it was just an opsie.
Take a breath, let it slide, go die on another hill.

#thread #shaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Inkican · @inkican
552 followers · 2395 posts · Server

This is called 'Living your best life' shaming

#video #bro #dancemoves #shaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Redwoods · @DannyRedwoods
75 followers · 87 posts · Server
Onidotmoe · @Onidotmoe
89 followers · 3155 posts · Server

Wasting time for different generations :

-> Watching TV on the couch

-> Playing Video Games at a desk

-> Looking at your Phone while in bed

Shaming ensured!

It's not that people wouldn't do other things but you have to present them with such other things, not just tell them to stop and do "something" else.
Like you could take a walk with them, go out to eat, not just tell someone to do something but do it with them.

#generations #shaming #parenting

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
16 followers · 64 posts · Server

(): , but with better branding (i.e., what and her equally crazy "intimacy coach" Michaela Boehm advocate).

Being open to ethical non-monogamy (cheating with permission) doesn't make you more enlightened, liberated or any other of the words its fans claim. Shaming a partner into agreeing to an open relationship, ENM -- or whatever you want to call it -- is wrong. And, in some cases, downright abusive.

In my experience with clients who've had this pushed on them by a , , or variety pack partner/ex:

1) Were told there was something wrong with them if they didn’t agree to it.

2) Had to follow a completely different set of rules regarding third parties, because “it’s different for women.”

3) Were accused of being abusive and controlling if they didn’t want to agree to it.

4) After agreeing to it and then it (predictably) blew up, were and in family court of forcing the , , ex to have multiple sex partners.

In other words, if ethical non-monogamy/an open relationship isn’t what you want, don’t let anyone make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. If that’s what your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend believes they need to evolve, grow, feel empowered, etc., perhaps it’s time for them to evolve themselves right out of the relationship.

#ethicalnonmonogamy #enm #cheating #jadasmith #shaming #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #clusterb #gaslighted #falselyaccused #bpd #npd #hpd #abusehasnogender

Last updated 2 years ago

***Dave Hill · @three_star_dave
250 followers · 1788 posts · Server

I copied down a month's worth of fundraising texts I mysteriously received, so you didn't have to.

It is kind of fascinating seeing the relatively transparent but incessant ploys and tropes used. It has very little to do with -- and a lot do to with and being part of the In Crowd and if you don't do what you're supposed to.

#shaming #tribalism #ideology #gop

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Michael Blume · @BlumeEvolution
4265 followers · 1306 posts · Server

@CorinnaVahrenk1 Danke, ich nehme gerne 1 Tasse! ☺️🙏

Und, ja, Trolle wirken bewusst darauf hin, die Angegriffenen & beschämen (sog. ) und zu isolieren. Da auch als Mann zuzugeben: Es belastet mich, ich brauche Hilfe - darauf wurde zumindest meine Generation nicht vorbereitet. Aber durch Solidarität fallen die Vorwürfe auf die Hater zurück. Habe wohl leider noch Jahre des Kämpfens vor mir, aber werde diesen Weg der Rechtsfortbildung gemeinsam mit Familie, Freunden, Verbündeten gehen…🧡✊🇩🇪🇪🇺


Last updated 2 years ago

@e_urq I think anyone who calls out and makes the lives of anyone adult or child, for any reason, a misery, needs to be called out. , , , everything. Call it what you want. diverse, , diverse. Being is no excuse for .

#gay #trans #alternately #able #gender #sexuality #diverse #neuro #different #shaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Frankington Jordan III · @FrankInThaLou
105 followers · 362 posts · Server