People should only vote for a party giving a guarantee about @HouseofCommons reforms & its pension policies and power to the constituency voters to recall their #MPs
RT @bernardshawlive
And meanwhile in both houses of Westminster, the silence is deafening. Too busy calculating their health and energy shares. These two houses need clearing out, for the good of the UK #shamocracy
holds an election.
#electionMeddling #foreignInterference #Fakebook #Facebook #engineeringOfConsent #memeWarfare #identityPolitics #democracy #shamocracy #darkMoney #moneyPrinting #Murdoch #ABCNews #Australia #USA #censorship #shadowBanning
#ElectionMeddling #foreigninterference #fakebook #facebook #EngineeringOfConsent #memewarfare #identitypolitics #democracy #shamocracy #darkmoney #moneyPrinting #Murdoch #abcnews #australia #usa #censorship #shadowbanning
Pretty sure the US has a #OnePartySystem. The corporate party. A shamocracy.
#corporateState #shamocracy #onePartySystem #corporateparty
If it is true that #BigPharma just hiked up costs of #medications by extreme amounts, why are people not storming the #drugManufacturing #corporations.
Maybe #Congress are part of the problem though, yes.
#bigpharma #medications #drugManufacturing #corporations #congress #corporatewelfare #onePartySystem #shamocracy #neofeudalism