Shame on Washington D.C. cop #ShaneLamond who assisted #ProudBoys before, during, and after the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt. 👉
#shanelamond #proudboys #January6th #failedcoupattempt #saveamerica #donotcollaboratewithfascists
Cop Charged with Obstruction in Former Proud Boys Chair Enrique Tarrio's Case #EnriqueTarrio #ProudBoys #ShaneLamond #DCPolice #January6th #January6thInsurrection #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #SeditiousConspiracy #politicaliq #news #politics
#enriquetarrio #proudboys #shanelamond #dcpolice #January6th #january6thinsurrection #blacklivesmatter #BLM #seditiousconspiracy #politicaliq #News #politics
Spencer S. Hsu: Texts between D.C. police and Proud Boys head shown at Jan. 6 trial: Lt. Shane Lamond is under investigation by the FBI over his relationship with Enrique Tarrio, who faces seditious conspiracy charges
#proudboys #dcpolice #shanelamond #enriquetarrio
#proudboys #dcpolice #shanelamond #enriquetarrio
Does #ShaneLamond still work for the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department? 👉
Actually, is he still even free to walk the streets of Washington DC? #LockHimUp
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult and #purge all police departments and military branches of ALL #WhiteSupremacists !
#shanelamond #lockhimup #saveamerica #DarkMAGA #purge #whitesupremacists