Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Taryn Manning Apologizes for Rant About ‘Licking’ a Married Man’s ‘Butthole for Weeks on End’ #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #brittanycartwright #markzuckerberg #humaninterest #tarynmanning #shaniatwain #ashleyolsen #louiseisner #manning #otto #jax
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #brittanycartwright #markzuckerberg #humaninterest #tarynmanning #shaniatwain #ashleyolsen #louiseisner #manning #otto #jax
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: J.Lo Brought Her Own Personal Instagram Photographer on Vacation #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #aperitifanddigestif #jenniferlopezj #bethanyjoylenz #humaninterest #jenniferlopez #oliviarodrigo #lucyboynton #onetreehill #shaniatwain #benaffleck #emmacorrin #irisapatow #celinedion #instagram #ramimalek #galgadot #jenny #jlo
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #aperitifanddigestif #jenniferlopezj #bethanyjoylenz #humaninterest #jenniferlopez #oliviarodrigo #lucyboynton #onetreehill #shaniatwain #benaffleck #emmacorrin #irisapatow #celinedion #Instagram #ramimalek #galgadot #jenny #jlo
#GreatAlbums1990s - #ShaniaTwain – #ComeOnOver (1997). The guitars twang and the odd fiddle invades the mix, but this is pop music by any sane definition. Mutt Lange’s glistening production is sweet enough to rot teeth, but there’s no arguing with the craft of songs like “Man! I Feel Like a Woman” and “You’re Still the One.” Plus, as Klosterman notes, for every person who bought Life Through This, 14 bought a copy of Shania – and guess who Taylor Swift prefers.
#greatcountryalbums #popmusic #comeonover #shaniatwain #greatalbums1990s
This week, scammers in India arrested for selling fake X-ray specs, and the Loch Ness Monster’s most dedicated hunter hasn’t seen Nessie in a very long time.
#Hulk #MCU #fanfiction #BruceBanner #QuentinTarantino #science #TI #India #Xrayspecs #comics #drstrange #shaniaTwain #truecrime #hoax #scam #Xray #heatherlocklear #exploitationmovies #videogames #JonGries #controversy #Scotland #LochNess #LochNessmonster #Nessie #cryptid #cryptozoology #GregLouganis #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #weird #News
#hulk #mcu #fanfiction #brucebanner #quentintarantino #science #ti #india #xrayspecs #comics #drstrange #shaniatwain #truecrime #hoax #scam #xray #heatherlocklear #exploitationmovies #videogames #jongries #controversy #scotland #lochness #lochnessmonster #nessie #cryptid #cryptozoology #greglouganis #bigfoot #sasquatch #weird #news
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SaraCox
Shania Twain:
🎵 Giddy Up!
#nowplaying #SaraCox #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
#nowplaying #owainwynevans #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
#nowplaying #OJBorg #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SaraCox
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
#nowplaying #SaraCox #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Breakfast with #GregJames
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
#nowplaying #breakfast #gregjames #bbcr1 #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
🎵 Unhealthy
#nowplaying #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #EarlyBreakfast
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
🎵 Unhealthy
#nowplaying #earlybreakfast #bbcr1 #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sHottestRecordsOfTheWeek
Anne‐Marie & Shania Twain:
#nowplaying #radio1shottestrecordsoftheweek #bbcr1 #AnneMarie #shaniatwain
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SaraCox's #HalfWower
Shania Twain:
🎵 Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
#nowplaying #SaraCox #HalfWower #shaniatwain