Mari Selvaraj, ‘Maamannan’, and the cinema of caste in Tamil Nadu
A new generation of Tamil filmmakers are confronting the caste-glorification films of the past – but controversy is often quick to follow, and Tamil cinema’s history with caste is more complex than many recognise. Karthik Ram Manoharan writes.
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#tamilnadu #cinema #mariselvaraj #maamannan #caste #dalits #paranjith #vetrimaaran #tjgnanavel #thevarmagan #kamalhaasan #casteviolence #casteism #dravidianpolitics #tamilcinema #shankar #ManiRatnam #kollywood #history #anticastecinema #longread #india
Arooj Aftab on Amoeba Record's What's In My Bag
#AroojAftab #Amoeba #MaxRoach #Fela #RoyAyers #Shankar #AbbyLincoln #BillieHoliday #JDilla #HER
#AroojAftab #Amoeba #MaxRoach #fela #royayers #shankar #abbylincoln #billieholiday #jdilla #Her
pétition à signer pour #Shankar