Tuesday is the day I take care of The Boy.
Today after I got him ready for bed, he decided to show me how not-tired he was by climbing onto the coffee table and pretending to be #Spiderman.
#16months #spiderbaby #grandson #LittlePepster #ShannensSpud
#spiderman #16months #spiderbaby #grandson #littlepepster #shannensspud
My grandson is almost 16 months old. He has recently discovered Thomas the Tank Engine and is a fan of both that and Sing, but his first love remains #Cocomelon. He and JJ are best buds. JJ has a teddy bear. I’ve decided to try and #crochet JJ’s red teddy bear for The Boy for Christmas. The photo is of the bear as it *should* look. Time will tell what it actually looks like when I’m done.
#LittlePepster #ShannensSpud
#cocomelon #crochet #littlepepster #shannensspud