I’m not quite half-way through this book, and if staying up to finish weren’t inadvisable, I would keep going. #ShannonGibney takes the genre of adoption memoir, mashes it with her own #adoptee #ghostkingdom, and calls it “speculative memoir”. It’s simple enough for non-adoption-related audiences, and profound in showing, not telling, the kind of dual-identity issues adoptees have to negotiate. Yes, even the “well adjusted” ones.
#shannongibney #adoptee #ghostkingdom
January 2023 Books by Black Authors We Can't Wait to Read | #the2021pen2fbellwetherprize #entertainment2cculture #jamilaminnicksjanuary #stephaniesaintclair #fictionalcharacters #dccomicscharacters #aurc3a9lielc3a9vy #elizabethcolomba #williamdavenport #fictionalpeople #charleswinslow #jamilaminnicks #whoopigoldberg #camryngarrett #shannongibney #mahaliaharris #nyaninkrumah #taliahibbert #tonimorrison
#the2021pen2fbellwetherprize #entertainment2cculture #jamilaminnicksjanuary #stephaniesaintclair #fictionalcharacters #dccomicscharacters #aurc3a9lielc3a9vy #elizabethcolomba #williamdavenport #fictionalpeople #charleswinslow #jamilaminnicks #whoopigoldberg #camryngarrett #shannongibney #mahaliaharris #nyaninkrumah #taliahibbert #tonimorrison