"Waiting for a Star to Fall" is a song by American #popMusic duo #BoyMeetsGirl in 1988, written by the duo's members, #ShannonRubicam and #GeorgeMerrill. They wrote the song after witnessing a #fallingStar at a #WhitneyHouston concert and originally offered the song to Houston, but #AristaRecords CEO #CliveDavis rejected it. American singer #BelindaCarlisle then recorded the song but denied its inclusion on her 1987 album #HeavenOnEarth, so Rubicam.
#popmusic #boymeetsgirl #shannonrubicam #georgemerrill #fallingstar #whitneyhouston #aristarecords #clivedavis #belindacarlisle #heavenonearth
Gen X Music Lover: Boy Meets Girl - Waiting for a Star to Fall
#1980s, #1988, #80smusic, #BoyMeetsGirl, #GeorgeMerrill, #popmusic, #ShannonRubicam
#1980s #80smusic #boymeetsgirl #georgemerrill #popmusic #shannonrubicam