#Suzano ganhou novas bases cartográficas, contemplando o Plano Municipal de Conservação e Recuperação da #MataAtlântica. Infelizmente, pelos nossos testes, parece que as bases não podem ser descarregadas em formato #Shapefile por meio do GeoSuzano, o que é uma pena. Via Diário de Suzano: https://www.diariodesuzano.com.br/cidades/geosuzano-oferece-novas-camadas-de-funcionalidades/73301/
#suzano #MataAtlantica #shapefile
🚨 PSA: If you plan to participate in the #MapFailbruaryChallenge be careful with day 1:
If it reads #shapefile-s it's mapping/#GIS software 🌎 #TeamShapefile is huge!! @pokateo #gischat
#MapFailbruaryChallenge #shapefile #teamshapefile #gischat
Hmm 🤔 disappointing state of affairs!!
Then again, not all data formats can be (are!) as cutting-edge as yours truly 🤷 #gischat #gis #flatgeobuf #protobuf #shapefile
#gischat #GIS #flatgeobuf #protobuf #shapefile
Are you an #AGOL user? Did you know you can host your #shapefile-s on #Microsoft #OneDrive and use them within #ArcGIS Online!! https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-online/mapping/use-onedrive-arcgis-online/ #CloudOptimizedShapefiles 🥰🥰 #gischat (via @GIS_Bandit)
#agol #shapefile #microsoft #onedrive #arcgis #cloudoptimizedshapefiles #gischat
What are your New Year's resolutions, Mastodonians? #gischat #gis #geodata #nye —
I will continue to put user needs first ✌️🚀 and be excellent with y'all's data!! 🌎💾 #shapefile
#gischat #GIS #geodata #nye #shapefile
@micahwilli #QGIS and #shapefile obvsly ✌️ From there, everything's possible. #gischat
A follow-up to the story about the GIS pro who loves shapefiles. This time, the protagonist meets Jill, a GIS developer who refuses to use anything other than Python 2. It's a reminder that sometimes, it pays to be a little bit stubborn and stick to our guns. #gis #shapefile #python #python2 #python3 #giscommunity #gispros #gischat #geospatial @atanas @RebelGeo @pokateo @sarae @anulahtinen @shapefile
#GIS #shapefile #python #python2 #python3 #giscommunity #gispros #gischat #geospatial
Had ChatGPT write a heartwarming tale about a GIS pro who refuses to let go of his love for shapefiles. It's a reminder that sometimes, sticking to our roots and what we know can be more important than following the latest trends. #gis #shapefiles #geopackages #mapping #giscommunity #gispros #gischat #geospatial #shapefile @shapefile
#GIS #shapefiles #geopackages #mapping #giscommunity #gispros #gischat #geospatial #shapefile
Wow, we’re getting some big data sets. I’m 2023 let’s investigate alternatives to the #shapefile #mappymeme
Wow, we’re getting some big data sets. I’m 2023 let’s investigate alternatives to the #shapefile #mappymeme
1. In #QGIS, create a bounding box for the area you're interested in
2. Use the #QuickOSM plugin to download the #OpenStreetMap features
3. create a #ShapeFile using "Export->Save Features As..."
#QGIS #quickosm #OpenStreetMap #shapefile
oh no! I tried to follow the #Shapefile twitter account over here and it doesn't exist (from https://twitter.com/shapefiIe/)
Un seguit de reflexions al voltant de "cloud optimized" i de com la millor opció per al vector no passa pels #shapefile (com proposa @pwramsey@twitter.com) sinó pels #mbtile via @jarnaldich@twitter.com (cc @realivansanchez@twitter.com #gischat #gistribe)
#shapefile #mbtile #gischat #gistribe
RT @jhelebrant@twitter.com: Wow, just moving my offline vector map layers from #shapefile to #geopackage shrinked my project folder from 5GB to about 2.4GB andf @qgis@twitter.com works much quicker with them. #OpenStreetMap #GIS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jhelebrant/status/1009473630663860224
#gis #geopackage #openstreetmap #shapefile