@adambienkov wow, put like that, i feel v safe! 😨 #shapps #grantshapps #GrantShappsMP
#shapps #grantshapps #grantshappsmp
Segretario per la sicurezza energetica e Net Zero Grant #Shapps (#CON|Centro-destra): "Il Regno Unito non rimpiange i tempi in cui al governo c'era Boris #Johnson. Il mondo è andato avanti. È lui che si è allontanato dall'attuale scena politica, dimettendosi da membro della #Commons."
#regnounito #shapps #con #johnson #commons
Sunak government takes Covid inquiry to court to protect Boris’s WhatsApps | The Independent
#covid #CovidInquiry #johnson #Sunak #whatsapp #CabinetOffice #labour #libdems #Hallett #shapps #Covid19BereavedFamiliesForJustice #Kerslake #civilservice
Martin Lewis has say as Ofgem cuts energy price cap and July date that bills will drop is revealed | The Independent
#costofGREEDcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #energy #energybills #EnergyPriceCap #Ofgem #EnergyBillsSupportEnding #EnergyBillsSupport #EnergySecuritySecretary #shapps #fossilfuels #EnergyPriceGuarantee #EnergyPriceGuaranteeEnding #fuelpoverty #poverty #NationalEnergyAction #standingcharges #martinlewis
New oilfield in the North Sea would blow the UK’s carbon budget | Climate crisis | The Guardian
#oil #fossilfuels #carbonbudget #uk #climatecrisis #NewOilField #Rosebank #netzero #miliband #shapps
"I don't believe we should go back to living in caves," said that most wise Minister, Grant #Shapps
#KayBurley reminds #Shapps that the only reason you are resurrecting this policy today is because of the deadline of the High Court, which runs out tomorrow.
#KayBurley to #Shapps:
"How many heat pumps have been installed?"
Shapps replies, "It's in the hundreds of thousands."
She corrects him: "it was only 42,000 last year."
You tire of the ministers deceiving you every day, you really do.
Tory minister blasted as ‘liar’ by RMT over failure to act against P&O | Morning Star
#rmt #pando #tuc #johnstone #shapps #toryliars #bakersfoodandalliedworkersunion #woolley #dawnfresh #poverty
Why has Rishi Sunak hired the least serious man in Westminster?
#Sunak #Reshuffle #bbcchairman #shapps #johnson #Truss #DepartmentForInternationalTrade #sleaze #scandal #Raab #Anderson #channel4news #NextElection
"#Government lying about #NHS #strike negotiations, #Unite union leader claims"
Not an earth-shattering claim but needs to be said. #SharonGraham is not much for grandstanding but she had to say:
“In 30 years of negotiating, I’ve never seen such an abdication of responsibility in my entire life,”
#Sunak #Shapps they have history of lies particularly when it comes to our class. 'Those uppity Meat Machines ©®™ are at it again. Wanting enough to survive on! They need taking down a peg or 2'
#government #NHS #strike #unite #sharongraham #Sunak #shapps
#Sunak's downfall arose at the very moment he appointed #Braverman, #Raab, #Coffey, #Zahawi, #Badenoch, #Shapps, #Gove, and #Hunt,... might as well say the entire Cabinet; he immediately lost credibility and integrity. Now, he is finding himself digging deeper holes to avoid accountability at all costs. #PMQs. Further, blaming the very electorate who have been led to strike action will win him no favours! #Strikes
#Sunak #braverman #raab #Coffey #Zahawi #Badenoch #shapps #Gove #hunt #PMQs #strikes
All the wretched #Shapps deserves is a walk over bridge & down stairs as in Robert Powell's "39 Steps" at the start,and a human cut & thrust before the sunrises #GeneralElection
Grants Shapps’ anti-strike plan faces tough time in the Lords and in the courts | The Independent
The upper chamber has been a constant thorn in the side of the Tory government, writes Adam Forrest, enjoying some recent success in watering down the harshest elements of a number of bills
#shapps #antistrikelegislation #antistrikelaws #houseoflords #lords #courts #minimumserviceguarentee
Notice how Shapps and other Cons use the phrase "we support the right of workers to withdraw their labour". Well duh, even workers in Victorian workhouses could withdraw their labour, it's just that they tended to starve on the streets if they did.
They are so disingenuous and slimy. Who on earth votes for this? Other than landed Rees-Mogg types of course.
#GTTO #strikes #ukpolitics #shapps
The absolute bare-faced cheek of Shapps (and this gov) trying to tie things like ambulance response times (which are suffering because of their own policies) with union activity. It's truly breath-taking arrogance and gaslighting behaviour.
Everyday there are new examples of how reprehensible this government are.
#GTTO #ukpolitics #strikes #shapps
Johnson airbrushed out of Shapps’ spaceport picture | The Independent
Business secretary hastily deletes tweet after eagled-eyed users pick up on edit
#johnson #shapps #Airbrushing #photoshopping #spaceport