Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1415 followers · 100130 posts · Server

@natsume_shokogami @ian

And whilst the has it's own problems that disqualify it, a "" provision requiring public code to remain could be added to any , not just @creativecommons licenses.

I.e. "Any used versions - released as part of a product or on their own - must have their released in public for everyone to access and reproducably build with no form of barriers!"

#sourcecode #license #FLOSS #public #sharealike #sspl

Last updated 1 year ago

ShareAlike · @sharealike
1 followers · 6 posts · Server

Why is the most powerful in existence? It's simple:

1. Copying is not stealing, therefore it should not be prohibited (see exceptions reply).
2. Proper attribution stops plagiarism (which is lying, not stealing).
3. Sharealike means no one else can hypocritically bind your creative work to arbitrary IP or laws.

In the world, it's often called and achieves the same goal. Even the agrees!

#sharealike #free #license #copyright #software #copyleft #creativecommons

Last updated 1 year ago

I was a little worried after I set up my own and saw absolutely nothing that I just wasted my time and money. After figuring out the need to follow people first, THEN use hastags, everything is starting to make sense.

I talk about and my ever increasing disdain for and my ever increasing love for and creative projects.

If you make stuff, I'd like to see it 👀

#mastodon #instance #writing #storytelling #privacy #intellectualproperty #copyright #opensource #foss #creativecommons #sharealike

Last updated 1 year ago

Crunchysteve · @crunchysteve
58 followers · 883 posts · Server

Last week, I got a visual prototype together of how a drumming robot should wield a stick. FROM THE WRIST! Most drumbots just pull the stick down to "deadhit" the skin. There's a lot of work to do on that part of this project, but meanwhile, there's also some basic electronics to prove the concept.

A drumbot needs a motor to flick the stick, then pull the stick quickly, but gently, back to rest and hold it there. It also needs to read MIDI note velocity and map that to the motor's useful powerband. Finally, the motor has to quickly and quietly restore the stick to its ready position.

All this requires complex motor control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to be exact, and a microcontroller to read the MIDI Note-On data and have each part of drumbot respond appropriately.

Circuitry and basic code are proven. I'll probably end up blowing up 4, VERY expensive MOSFETs in my first attempt, but hey, we're on this earth to make mistakes, and thereby make the future. This is not a cheap project, either, and is third in my project queue, so it will take some time.

Video of the circuit simulation:-
Read more here: -

As always, if you use my work, credit me, share your work under the same terms I shared mine and make no commercial profits from my work as per CC4.0-A-SA-NC

#music #musictech #creativecommons #sharealike #withattribution #noncommercial #arduino #batmanmeme

Last updated 1 year ago

Aral Balkan · @aral
32106 followers · 22414 posts · Server

Thanks to @mikarv for reminding me (see, I just added the following license to my bio on my Mastodon site.

Please feel free to copy/adapt/use if you like:

My posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (

#sharealike #noncommercial #attribution #creativecommons #commons #consent #scraping #licensing #copyright #content #mastodon #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
541 followers · 18392 posts · Server

@hkrn license - AFAIK - isn't , unlike the / / or ...

#sharealike #creativecommons #gplv3 #GPLv2 #GPL #Copyleft #MIT

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1170 followers · 11507 posts · Server

A bit of self promotion. As there as been an influx of new followers, I would just like to let you know that I have produced a for the which you can view and download from

As it's under a free licence, you are at liberty to redistribute it at will as long as you adhere to the terms of the licence.


#calendar #newyear #creativecommons #attribution #sharealike #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000

Last updated 2 years ago

robin · @nottrobin
123 followers · 250 posts · Server

I really dig @JeniT's essay on openness here.

Explicitly including building in the definition of is a powerful enhancement that makes it clear that our obligations extend to deliberately crafting communities.

I used to think of copyleft / licenses as more restrictive & less , a necessary evil. But reframed this way they're entirely consistent with the true goal.

#community #openness #sharealike #open #opensource #libre

Last updated 2 years ago

Den Hårfagre · @vegafjord
11 followers · 67 posts · Server
Paul Sutton · @zleap
802 followers · 8507 posts · Server
Pedro · @Pedro
450 followers · 347 posts · Server

so and after removing my wiki commons page (supposedly due to spam?!) :

It's a work in progress though still many assets to add

^ use it and abuse it and ! Everything is under CC BY-SA 4.0

#creativecommons #free #sharealike

Last updated 6 years ago