Die Sharing Economy (#Shareconomy) prägt die #Mobilitätsbranche. 🚘🛴
#2hire ermöglicht es Mobilitätsanbietern und Dienstleistern, die in vernetzten Fahrzeugen integrierte Technologie zu nutzen, das Benutzererlebnis zu digitalisieren und die neuesten Mehrwertdienste anzubieten.
Schauen Sie an unserem #IAA23 Gemeinschaftsstand C22 in Halle B1 vorbei und erfahren Sie mehr!
#PeerToPeerSharing #SharingEconomy #BVSCmobility #SmartCity #SmartRegion #SmartMobility #BVSC #VDA
#shareconomy #mobilitatsbranche #2hire #iaa23 #peertopeersharing #sharingeconomy #bvscmobility #smartcity #smartregion #smartmobility #bvsc #vda
#Shareconomy - Leihen statt Kaufen: Immer mehr "Bibliotheken der Dinge"
So proud of my amazing husband and best friend Karl Fitzgerald for launching his new housing affordability organisation tonight.
Grounded is a Community Land Trust advocacy org that is going to change the face of community led housing in this country.
Such a great crew on board already and now they're ready for more!
Check out grounded.org.au and sign up today 🏘️
#grounded #communitylandtrust #housingaffordability #economics #auspol #policy #housing #shareconomy #permanomics
Cycling in Brussels using #villo is a mess. Cycling from&to a station 😫 🤮 the bikes are in bad condition 😫 and super heavy 😔 payment by credit card only 😞 An advantage is that you can rent multiple bikes with one account. 👍 Prices okay. 👍
#climate #traffic #infrastructure #travel #publictransport #belgium #climatechange #bikenode #brussels #cycling #bikerental #shareconomy
#villo #climate #traffic #infrastructure #travel #publictransport #belgium #climatechange #bikenode #brussels #cycling #bikerental #shareconomy
Hell yeah, my colleague on the board and I made this suggestion and now TodonBaby's kindergarten introduced a "sharing corner" where parents can drop off clothes that their kids have grown out of, including a little whiteboard for stuff they want to give away / sell / need. #Shareconomy lives! I'm so happy about this!