Kingdom. On the trapeze, common room, shared accommodation 'La Convention', Auch, France, October 2022.
📷 Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa) #AmbulationsPhotographiques #AsThedaysGoBy
#photography #CollectiveHousing #SharedHabitat #trapeze #BlackAndWhite
👤 Thelma
#AmbulationsPhotographiques #AsTheDaysGoBy #photography #collectivehousing #sharedhabitat #trapeze #blackandwhite
Kingdom. On the trapeze, common room, shared accommodation 'La Convention', Auch, France, October 2022.
📷 Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa) #AmbulationsPhotographiques #AsThedaysGoBy
#photography #CollectiveHousing #swing #sunday #SharedHabitat #trapeze #blackandwhite
👤 Thelma
#AmbulationsPhotographiques #AsTheDaysGoBy #photography #collectivehousing #swing #sunday #sharedhabitat #trapeze #blackandwhite
Under construction. The renovation site of 'La Convention', an old building, renovated by a collective to create a place of shared habitat. Auch, France, 2014-2017.
📷 Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa) #AmbulationsPhotographiques #Series
#photography #UnderConstruction #demolition #SharedHabitat #housing #LivingTogether #BlackAndWhite
👤 #UsAndWe
#usandwe #blackandwhite #livingtogether #housing #sharedhabitat #demolition #UnderConstruction #photography #series #AmbulationsPhotographiques