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#participationrocks #openmindacademy #connecttogrow #socialcollaboration #barcamp #servantleadership #sharedleadership
#participationrocks #openmindacademy #connecttogrow #socialcollaboration #barcamp #servantleadership #sharedleadership
We Drum & Dream with love and joy in the collective care circle of Centering Justice, in conversation about Shared Leadership in my practice and play at the Great Lakes Taiko Center (GLTC) in SE Michigan, leaning into a Solidarity Economy & Sociocracy.
#Drum #Dream #Love #Joy #CollectiveCare #Circle #CenteringJustice #SharedLeadership #practice #play #GreatLakes #Taiko #Michigan #SolidarityEconomy #Sociocracy
You can watch the recorded session hosted by at
#sociocracy #solidarityeconomy #michigan #taiko #greatlakes #play #practice #sharedleadership #centeringjustice #circle #CollectiveCare #joy #love #dream #drum
Wo liegen eurer Erfahrung nach die Herausforderungen bei #sharedleadership und worauf muss man achten? (Mal abgesehen von klaren Absprachen und transparenter Kommunikation über die Aufgabenbereiche, die hab ich auf dem Schirm). Freu mich, wenn ihr mir helfen könnt, blinde Flecke zu vermeiden! #followerpower
#sharedleadership #followerpower
My first post on Mastodon. Looking forward to exploring the fediverse, my first impressions are that Mastodon is an upgrade from Twitter. Interested in #educator, #leadership, # teaching and #change. My research is in the use of #appreciativeinquiry and #sharedleadership to better lead #change an #organizationalculture.
#organizationalculture #sharedleadership #appreciativeinquiry #change #leadership #educator