Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1451 followers · 104611 posts · Server

@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life *nodds in agreement*

And it's not even competitive with my shitty cable in terms of price, performance, service and support.

And it never can be, because unlike and direct coaxial cables or shielded Ethernet, it's a like any .

Also sending that shit to space literally required millions of tons of fossil fuels and released equivalent amounts of ...

All that for the rechnical equivalent of a sandcastle in space!

#co2 #mobilephonenetwork #sharedmedium #ftth

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
931 followers · 52827 posts · Server

@lamp if it was my decision, with symmetric speeds at prices [$50 for 10GBit/s symmetric) would be mandatory must-provide utility to every barn and shack.

Also as is notorious for heavily asymetric shit, since 3.1 maxes out at 1000M down and 50M up and DOCSIS 4.0 at 10G down 1G up.

#docsis #sharedmedium #cable #ftth

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
912 followers · 50402 posts · Server

@IAmFox @lizziewriter +9001%

In , households have a right to be grid-connected to "essential utilities" and provided these at equal and non-discriminatory prices.

Meaning the city [or grid/services company] have to provide one with drinking water, electricity, a phone landline and trash collection and not charge one more than any other household.

Same can be done with : Regardless if we have setups like or actually dedicaded fibers using Ethernet.

#GPON #sharedmedium #fiber #openaccess #Germany

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
540 followers · 18358 posts · Server

@forthy @spucky Auch wird - zumindest bei - als mit und |s im bereich 1:10 - 1:50 ausgerollt.

Nennt sich [bzw. (Passive Optical Network] und ist quasi das Konzept auf mit passiver Spleißung und einer Faser für beide Richtungen.

Im -Bereich ist dagegen dedizierte OS2-Faserpaare samt Monomode [z.T. Wellenmultiplex je nach Bandbreite] gängig, was dedizierte, garantierte Bandbreiten erlaubt.

#b2b #docsis #Pon #GPON #contentionratio #quotas #sharedmedium #Privatkunden #glasfaser

Last updated 2 years ago