@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life *nodds in agreement*
And it's not even competitive with my shitty cable in terms of price, performance, service and support.
And it never can be, because unlike #FTTH and direct coaxial cables or shielded Ethernet, it's a #SharedMedium like any #MobilePhoneNetwork.
Also sending that shit to space literally required millions of tons of fossil fuels and released equivalent amounts of #CO2...
All that for the rechnical equivalent of a sandcastle in space!
#co2 #mobilephonenetwork #sharedmedium #ftth
@lamp if it was my decision, #FTTH with symmetric speeds at https://bahnhof.se prices [$50 for 10GBit/s symmetric) would be mandatory must-provide utility to every barn and shack.
Also #Cable as #SharedMedium is notorious for heavily asymetric shit, since #DOCSIS 3.1 maxes out at 1000M down and 50M up and DOCSIS 4.0 at 10G down 1G up.
#docsis #sharedmedium #cable #ftth
@IAmFox @lizziewriter +9001%
In #Germany, households have a right to be grid-connected to "essential utilities" and provided these at equal and non-discriminatory prices.
Meaning the city [or grid/services company] have to provide one with drinking water, electricity, a phone landline and trash collection and not charge one more than any other household.
Same #OpenAccess can be done with #Fiber: Regardless if we have #SharedMedium setups like #GPON or actually dedicaded fibers using Ethernet.
#GPON #sharedmedium #fiber #openaccess #Germany
@forthy @spucky Auch #Glasfaser wird - zumindest bei #Privatkunden - als #SharedMedium mit #Quotas und #ContentionRatio|s im bereich 1:10 - 1:50 ausgerollt.
Nennt sich #GPON [bzw. #PON (Passive Optical Network] und ist quasi das Konzept #DOCSIS auf #Glasfaser mit passiver Spleißung und einer Faser für beide Richtungen.
Im #B2B-Bereich ist dagegen dedizierte OS2-Faserpaare samt Monomode [z.T. Wellenmultiplex je nach Bandbreite] gängig, was dedizierte, garantierte Bandbreiten erlaubt.
#b2b #docsis #Pon #GPON #contentionratio #quotas #sharedmedium #Privatkunden #glasfaser