New phase of shared ownership properties released at Lichfield development
#Lichfield #News #BowerPark #Bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
#lichfield #news #bowerpark #bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
Hi! Iām new on Mastodon. My interests are #sharedownership #grouprationality
#sharedownership #grouprationality
Open day to give people the chance to find out more about shared ownership homes at Wigginton development
#Lichfield #News #ArkallFarm #Bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
#lichfield #news #arkallfarm #bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
Shared ownership properties released for sale at Lichfield development
#Lichfield #News #BowerPark #Bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
#lichfield #news #bowerpark #bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
Open day at Lichfield development for people to see shared ownership properties
#Lichfield #News #Bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
#lichfield #news #bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
Open day at Lichfield development for people to see shared ownership properties
#Lichfield #News #Bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
#lichfield #news #bromford #housing #newhomes #sharedownership
Thoughts on Nov 7th #SharedOwnership Conference at CU Boulder. Rose/Bud/Thorn:
@ntnsndr playing key role, bringing people together
Interesting range of projects & coop forms.
Brought three great organizers up from COS -> more convo about coops. (@natstein )
IRL time with @clayton
"shared ownership" frames coops as models of property not as movement orgs aiming at solidarity.
excited about potential for coop dev in CO, and reminded of need for solidarity econ framework
Yes, November 7th at CU in Boulder.
#SharedOwnership is a better framework than #ConsciousCapitalism (!)
#consciouscapitalism #sharedownership