Talking Heads: The New Science of How Conversation Shapes Our Worlds:
you can pre-order my new book!
It's finally arrived- all those hours distilled into a 3d object. I hope you'll enjoy it. It will challenge you to see our shared worlds in entirely new ways.
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ISBN-10 1847926487
ISBN-13 978-1847926487
#amazon #bookshop #conversation #cognitive #nations #imagination #imaginedcommunities #sharedrealities #sharedworlds
#amazon #bookshop #conversation #cognitive #Nations #imagination #imaginedcommunities #sharedrealities #sharedworlds
Excuse the interruption: for less than the price of a pizza, you can pre-order my new book 'Talking Heads: The New Science of How Conversation Shapes Our Worlds' for your Kindle, autodelivered on 3rd Aug: nice summer/autumn reading
'Talking Heads is a stunning survey - from neurons to nations'
Preorders are the best way to support an author and help a book succeed. 😀
#science #amazon #imagination #communication #conversation #sharedrealities #neurons #nations
#Science #amazon #imagination #communication #conversation #sharedrealities #neurons #Nations
For less than the price of a pizza, you can pre-order 'Talking Heads: The New Science of How Conversation Shapes Our Worlds' for your Kindle, and have it autodelivered on 3rd Aug for some nice summer reading! #TalkingHeads #conversation #sharedrealities #imaginedcommunities #memory #neuronstonations
#talkingheads #conversation #sharedrealities #imaginedcommunities #memory #neuronstonations
TFW the proofs for your new book arrive, and you must correct them!
You can preorder for your kindle at:
You can also order some hard copies for all your friends!
Cover coming soon...
#books #conversation #talkingheads #nations #collectiveaction #cognition #memory #sharedrealities #ourworlds
#books #conversation #talkingheads #Nations #collectiveaction #cognition #memory #sharedrealities #ourworlds