A spokesperson for Leadsom said: “Dame Andrea Leadsom’s declarations have been transparent and accurate in accordance with the rules and the law at all times.”
Well she would say that, wouldn’t she?
In fact, it’s pretty much what they all say in response to any alleged wrongdoing: “all the rules were followed”. Just like Johnson’s lockdown parties…
#coflictofinterest #shareholdings #tories #andrealeadsom
Here's the big problem with NOT being a #Cynic : seeing a photo of the #MUSKovite with #JaredKushner at the #WorldCup in #Qatar and still feeling #Awful that grown #White #Men who navigate positions of power seem to enjoy the company of #Regimes that #Abuse #Imprison (in some cases have #DeathPenalty for) #Women #LGBTQ #SameSex & which do not support #Equality #Democracy ...Remembering #JamalKhashoggi #JaredSaudiDeal for #Trump #SaudiTwitter #Shareholdings
#cynic #Muskovite #jaredkushner #worldcup #qatar #awful #white #men #regimes #abuse #imprison #deathpenalty #women #lgbtq #samesex #equality #democracy #jamalkhashoggi #jaredsaudideal #trump #sauditwitter #shareholdings