A little update to my GoFundMe. The Filthy Side to Share-housing
Both my housemates have been asked to vacate. For reasons I can't get into. But instead of leaving in a civilised manner, one of them left me with menstrual blood stains and black mould. Piles of rubbish, food waste, fast-food containers, and mountains of snotty tissues. All of which I have to clean up in order to have the room ready for a new housemate.
This is my first vlog, and it is lo-fi all the way! I shall try and improve my skills. So I apologise for the occasion thumb as I try to get footage as I sift through human detritus and fast food containers.
The truth is I've been wanted to start a vlog for ages, but have been nervous about it. Though I never would have thought to begin here, it seems like it's a good place to start. I feel like maybe sharing this sort of behaviour will make the burden of it a little less.
I'm long-term unemployed, I rent, and I've been given notice to vacate my rental.
Rent and bond in advance, packing costs, travel costs for inspections, and finally moving cost, including final carpet and garden professional finishes are beyond my being able to save. I live like so many people, fortnight to fortnight, and there's nothing extra to put aside. Especially when these things will come in between $4000 and $6000 dollars, depending greatly on where I end up moving to.
The clock is ticking for me, my little dog, and my adopted reptile rescues.
Can you help?
DONATE: gofundme.com/f/phnz3-notice-to-vacate
DONATE: https://paypal.me/ingaleonora?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU
Find me
Mastodon: https://aus.social/@IngaLeonora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IngaLeonora
FaceInsta: https://www.instagram.com/ingaleonora/
#GoFundMe #RentalCrisis #MutualAid #ShareHousing #Vlogging #Fundraising
#gofundme #rentalcrisis #mutualaid #sharehousing #vlogging #fundraising
Both my young housemates have been with me for over a month now. They are lovely young women, both doing tertiary education in Sydney coming from interstate & overseas. I am very glad I found them, but they're like having 2 teenagers in the house. They have absolutely no idea about home economics, storing & preserving food for their own financial benefit, nor the daily domestic labour keeping a sharehouse. They're not heinously grotty, but it's clear for the most part (probably) Mum has been at home doing most of the cleaning etc. It's also clear that how households interact with the systems at large is something they've never conceived of. In this I don't really blame them, our society doesn't go in for that sort of learning. It results in me daily sorting my rubbish of recycling, & it's adding labour as a single, somewhat physically restricted, childless person I'm past doing for free for other people who are otherwise perfectly able.
But I do have time to push narratives about how household rubbish & recycling is measured & signal larger systems. & detailing step by step the domestic labour required to upkeep the health & hygiene of a sharehouse. So today, after opening the bin to find whole PET plastics & cardboard lazing at the top of the rubbish bin, I did just that. They are now acquainted with the weekly chore of preparing for council bin pick up. I suspect I will be unpopular.