Sharenting: arriva la pagina informativa del Garante Privacy, ma servono delle precisazioni.
Il fenomeno dello #sharenting è noto, attuale e preoccupante. Infatti, quella che viene messa in #pericolo dall’azione di #genitori o adulti è la #privacy del #minore, il quale spesso si trova indifeso e con pochissime possibilità di #controllo a riguardo.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#sharenting #pericolo #genitori #privacy #minore #controllo #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Influencer Dad gets Arrested
#comedy #sharenting
Vidéo à l'attention de tous les parents qui partagent des photos et vidéos de leurs enfants sans leur #consentement.
Video for parents #sharenting photos and videos of their children without #consent.
#privacy #consent #sharenting #consentement
New on the blog: Pay Up! Illinois now Requiring Parents to Compensate "Kidfluencers". A look at "#sharenting", "#kidfluencers", and how parents in Illinois will now have to pay their talent.
#Influencers #ChildLabor
#sharenting #kidfluencers #influencers #childlabor
Škoda, že tohle video nemělo tak velký dosah, jak by si zasloužilo. Pojďte to změnit...
#sharenting #cybersecurity #security #parenting #kids
#personaldata #dataprotection #privacy #biometrics
#sharenting #cybersecurity #security #parenting #kids #personaldata #dataprotection #privacy #biometrics
Seme-alaben irudiak eta bideoak sare sozialetan partekatzeari #sharenting esaten zaio. Hasieran xaloa dirudien praktikak ertz zorrotzagoak izan ditzake, haurren identitate digitalean kaltea sor dezakeelako edota hondartzako irudi inozente bat sexu-esplotaziorako material bihur daitekeelako. #gaur8
Via i bambini dai social. Il duro spot spiega perché
"Sta diventando virale lo spot lanciato qualche giorno fa da Deutsche Telekom. Dal titolo “Share with Care”, il video mette in guardia genitori e parenti dalla pubblicazione sui social network di foto e video che ritraggono minori."
Mi sembra abbastanza efficace, cosa ne pensante?
#sharenting #datisensibili #minori
Link diretto al video
#sharenting #datisensibili #minori
C'è un video di sensibilizzazione sui rischi dell'esposizione dei minori, da parte dei genitori, sui #social network. È efficace e si fa ricordare
È di Deutsche Telekom e si trova qui (invidious):
Due considerazioni personali:
- dello #sharenting si parla meno di quanto sarebbe utile
- è apprezzabile che una Telco faccia una pubblicità di questo tipo. Profilarsi come un'impresa etica porta vantaggi, anche economici
@phlogiston I often pose the question to my more gung-ho #sharenting friends "sometimes I wonder: have we already posted on social media the thing that will result in us going in front of a firing squad commanded by some future conservative/authoritarian government?"... Sobering. The least we can do is avoid condemning our kids with our unfounded optimistic view of the future.
A powerful message. Stop #sharenting and protect your kids #privacy for the future.
Kinderfotos im Internet: Video zeigt Probleme des #Sharenting
Hier ist es wahrscheinlich Preaching to the converted. Aber man kennt ja immer jemanden 😏
#WithoutConsent #OhneZustimmung #SicherDigital #Sharenting #DataProtection
#withoutconsent #ohnezustimmung #sicherdigital #sharenting #dataprotection
Ich denke, sollte man teilen--Bilder - ob von Urlauben, Feiern und privaten Momenten - teilen wir gerne unmittelbar miteinander.
Das ist schön und verbindet uns.
Einmal ins Netz gestellt, sind diese persönlichen Daten jedoch weltweit und unbegrenzt verfügbar.
Und das kann ungeahnte Folgen haben. Welche, wird am Beispiel von Ella geschildert.
Um Missbrauch vorzubeugen, sind wir alle gefragt.
Unsere Medienkompetenz zu stärken, das eigene Vorgehen in Sachen Datenschutz und Datensicherheit zu überprüfen und so von vornherein ungewollten Schaden abzuwenden.
Beim Umgang mit sensiblen Daten gilt besondere Umsicht und Sorgfalt. #datenschutz #ki #künstliche Intelligenz #sharenting #sharewithcare #withoutconsent #datensicherheit #medien #familie #telekom
#telekom #familie #medien #datensicherheit #withoutconsent #sharewithcare #sharenting #kunstliche #ki #datenschutz
Incredibly powerful advert from Deutsche Telekom out this week on the dangers of #sharenting.
Be a responsible parent. Protect your children's privacy.
By Deutsche Telekom
#sharenting #privacy #deepfake
"I dag finns en genomsnittlig femåring på 1500 bilder på nätet."
Hur i... Va fa...
300 bilder per år, per barn i snitt.
#weredoomed #integritet #sharenting
The First Social-Media Babies Are Growing Up—And They’re Horrified
‘Kidfluencer’ culture is harming kids in several ways – and there’s no meaningful regulation of it.
#ScreenWarehousing #Commodification #Children #Sharenting #Parenting #Privacy #Toys #SocialMedia #Literacy #Labour #Exploitation
#screenwarehousing #commodification #children #sharenting #parenting #privacy #toys #socialmedia #literacy #labour #exploitation
I didn't know what #sharenting was until I started reporting this column. Posting stuff about kids online is not innocuous and we have to do better when it comes to sharing their data on the internet. You're not a parent? This applies to you, too.
#SocialMedia #Kids #parenting #onlineprivacy #Privacy #sharenting
Lo #Sharenting continua a diffondersi.
Una pratica non sempre sicura, anzi.
Molti dovrebbero pensarci.
#SocialNetworks #Web #Infanzia
#sharenting #socialnetworks #web #infanzia