In the #news
re: incident between #bike rider and #car driver where the driver pointed a #gun at the #cyclist
#Police chief's mistake was holding a presscon too soon, inadvertently favoring the ex-cop driver. Police chief is resigning.
Mayor is cracking down on the ex-cop, but the cyclist is scared and is yet to come forward. ☹️
Shared from Bing:
#QuezonCity police chief resigns over dismissed cop in #roadRage incident
#news #bike #car #gun #cyclist #Police #QuezonCity #roadrage #bikes #bicycles #sharetheroad #ActiveMobility
Pedestrian crosswalks are dangerous and cars should not be required to stop.
"What" you say?
That's exactly what makes them dangerous. People get greased all the time because SOME cars don't stop.
And THOSE cars are driven by random _average_ drivers.
However it's also true that smug and sanctimonious pedestrians who mentally dare cars not to stop and/or don't look are selectively greased more than others.
I invite you to think about it.
#dot #dmv #driving #pedestrians #sharetheroad #cars
Kampaň #ShareTheRoad se symbolikou bezpečné jízdy a vzájemné ohleduplnosti míří do Česka. Cyklisté během ní ujedou téměř 600 kilometrů
If the #ClimateAction plan says 25% of all trips will be by bike, ~30% by driving, 30% transit, walking etc... do people see that means every other vehicle on a street would be a bike. The cars have multiple occupants sometimes, freeways, etc. The bus has 30-50 people on it. Fully half of the space on surface streets should be dedicated to making biking convenient, easy, and comfortable. Why are we not doing this right now? #ShareTheRoad
#WalkAcrossTheAlps Day 1: Tirano - Campocologno
Whistling the cars out of the way.
Madonna di Tirano, #Lombardia #italia
#RhB #train #ShareTheRoad #Piazza #Italianità
#italianita #Piazza #sharetheroad #train #rhb #italia #lombardia #walkacrossthealps
#BarburBlvd ffs how are any of the #trafficEngineers and officials involved not in prison it's beyond me #carSupremacy #stroads #ShareTheRoad #pdxBikes #ODOTGTFOpdx #ORpol #ClimateDenial #Portland #pdxTraffic
#barburblvd #trafficengineers #carsupremacy #stroads #sharetheroad #pdxbikes #odotgtfopdx #orpol #climatedenial #portland #pdxtraffic
Thanks, the WP article on #Tesla linked from your link is great
But still. One shouldn't consider the #pedestrian and #cyclist fatalities are due to technical glitches - technologists will always promise version n+1 will do miracles.
It's a matter of policy and political will to apply the law, improve the law, change the #road #infrastructure, and change the minds.
#tesla #pedestrian #cyclist #road #infrastructure #roadsafety #carculture #sharetheroad #safestreetsforall
@thedragstate @TomSwirly And yet, it’s also a rule issue here in the US. I constantly see kids riding their ebikes on the wrong side of the street. I think long term, the ebike phenomenon may move cities to act, but it’s definitely like pulling teeth. In a way, the automobile is much like guns. The industrial momentum is too strong for people to effectively deal with. #sharetheroad
This was the first time I’ve noticed Uber warning me about bike lanes on drop off. Cool. #uber #bikelanes #sharetheroad
#uber #bikelanes #sharetheroad
#Penzberg wird bunt: Um auf #ShareTheRoad und #KidicalMass am Samstag aufmerksam zu machen, hat der Verein Übermorgen e.V. in einer #Kunst aktion überall in der Innenstadt diese wunderschönen Räder verteilt.
(Vielen Dank an Peter R. für die tollen Fotos)
#Penzberg #sharetheroad #kidicalmass #kunst
Heute in einer Woche findet in #Penzberg die #KidicalMass statt:
📆 Sa, 06.05.2023
⏰ 13:00 Uhr
📍 Werkraum (Christianstr. 8)
Jetzt steht auch schon fest, was euch nach der Radldemo auf unserem Aktionstag rund ums Rad erwartet:
Fahrradparcours, riesen Ausmalbild, Basteln, Clowns, Band WuH, HipHopDance, Samba Batedura, Kuchen, Getränke etc...
#Penzberg #kidicalmass #autokorrektur #KinderAufsRad #streetforkids #sharetheroad
Am vergangenen Wochenende fanden in #Penzberg die Drehmoment-Tage statt: traditionell eine Auto-Messe. Dieses mal gab es ein starkes Gegengewicht zu den sonst vorherrschenden SUVs:
Der #ADFC war zusammen mit dem Verein ÜberMorgen e.V. für wahre Mobilität am Start.
Mach das Rad zu Deinem Drehmoment!
#Penzberg #adfc #sharetheroad #verkehrswende #autokorrektur
John Ducker: New BC bill looks to protect 'vulnerable road users'
One thing’s for certain, the new laws will require drivers to pay extra attention to those now defined as vulnerable
#sharetheroad #transportation #bcpoli #activetransportation
Egal welche #Baustelle: Täglich grüßt das Murmeltier
Zwischen #Penzberg und Bichl werden momentan unter dem #Radweg neue Kabel verlegt - im Lokalblatt wurde eine Umleitung versprochen.
Stellt sich raus, d.h.: "Radfahrer absteigen"
Der Radweg ist für viele Schüler*innen, Auszubildende und alle anderen täglich wichtig.
Kommt deshalb zur #KidicalMass am 06. Mai nach #Penzberg
#baustelle #Penzberg #radweg #kidicalmass #autokorrektur #KinderAufsRad #streetforkids #sharetheroad
@DrTCombs I see that you made the common mistake of believing "Share the Road" meant that everyone has a right to use the road and everyone has the responsibility to keep all road users safe.
A little PSA: "Share the Road" means pedestrians and particularly cyclists should "share" by making every effort to stay out of the way and remain unseen so a driver isn't inconvenienced by having to recall where the brake pedal is.
Still trying to process yesterday's close call with a reckless driver by looking through some of my old video footage. I put together a little montage of the a sample of the worst of it.
Y'all, I really just don't want to #ShareTheRoad anymore. At least not with people who aren't willing to share back.
#sharetheroad #VisionZero #safestreetsforall #BikeTooter #nearmiss
Nějací lidi mě tady přesvědčovali, že ze svého RAMu, který potřebují na chytání zaběhlých krav v ulicích Vinohrad, všechno vidí.
RT @martynschmoll
6. Mai - Bunte Fahrraddemo & Aktionstag in Penzberg
Du fährst gern Rad? Wir auch!
Straßen sind für alle da - deshalb: #sharetheroad #kidicalmass #KinderAufsRad #StreetsForKids
#sharetheroad #kidicalmass #KinderAufsRad #StreetsForKids
6. Mai - Fahrraddemo - Penzberg
#sharetheroad #kidicalmass #adfc #bund
#sharetheroad #KidicalMass #adfc #bund